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Rating Game Dimension - Team Naruto's Base

Anna wasn't having a good day...

Waking up in your neighbor's house because yours was destroyed in the ultimate fight against your possessed master after being possessed for a short period of time herself wasn't the best way to start her day. However, now she was fighting a dragon the size of her most powerful spirit, Oh-Oni, in a death match, flying over a burning forest with the smoke getting into her eyes...

She can admit-she played right into Tatsumi's hand. The dragon purposely got her angry by mentioning her fiancée's name, causing her to lose concertation for a moment and lost possession of her main priority: Naruto. Tatsumi's overall strategy was to keep Anna away from Naruto's Goki-possessed body and allowing Akame's poison to destroy him from the inside.

Currently, Akame was flying through the smoke caused by a blast of Tatsumi's fire breath that was blocked by a shield crafted by her giant spirit. 'He's doing surprisingly well keeping up with me. We're evenly-matched.' She thought as she flew through the darkened skies, 'But if I can get to Naruto-sama's body, then maybe I could retreat so I can heal him.'


Anna quickly conjured a barrier to block the massive dragon tail that smacked her back down into the ground, her unprotected back rebounding off the ground from the extreme force of the blow. She held back the scream that climb to the top of her throat as her world became fuzzy. She dropped back down into her small crater. She clutched her bleeding forehead, taking in deep breaths to recover from her dazed state.

From the dark smoke cloud above her erupted Tatsumi's massive dragon form, his maw wide open as he neared Anna with the intention of eating the young Shaman whole.

That would have happen had not Oh-Oni knocked into Tatsumi's body with a powerful shoulder bash, causing Tatsumi to skid on the burning forest floor, creating a deep crater.

"Mama...are you alright?" Oh-Oni asked, standing over his master in a defense position.

"Yea..." Anna clutched her horn as she winced in pain, slowly standing out of her own crater, "This battle is stretching on far too long. We need to retrieve of Naruto-sama."

With the smoke now clearly, the fighting duo could now get a good look at their [King]. The Goki-possessed Naruto was floating a few meters over the burning forest-his wings flapping weakly. By now, the curse tattoos from Akame's poison had now fully taken over Naruto's body and was visibly disrupting Naruto's magic with Goki's struggle to stay a flight as proof. What really made Anna uneasy was the constant drip of blood running from the sides of his mouth and nostrils along with Naruto's sky-blue eyes moving around sporadically.

'That's not looking good at all...' Anna growled. She had tried multiple times to reclaim Naruto so that she could heal him, but Tatsumi would continuously stop any attempt with his overpowered magic blast and strong, armored body. Anna and Tatsumi were neck-and-neck in terms of strength, so any time her focus slipped from their fight to Naruto, he would take advantage and attack.

However, one of the most interesting developments of Naruto's condition was the sudden fluctuations of his magic. During their fight, Anna could sense Naruto's magic spike at times followed by his legendary Power of Destruction enveloping his body in a momentary weak veil before disappearing. Connecting all the dots, Anna had concluded that something big was happening...

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