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TheConfrontation[Part 1]

Naruto's Peerage House

" know what type of show they should make?"

"..sigh...what type of show, Kisame."

"Just imagine it....a whole show...just about sharks! That sounds like a money maker to me! I can probably get some of my shark buddies to help out."

"You have shark buddies!? Yosh, that's amazing!"

"Well, duhh! I am a shark demon. I've gotta a few guys out Brendan! I haven't seen him in a while. Hope he's still alive though."

Kisame, Hao, Lee, and Anna were all sitting in the living room, watching whatever documentary Hao had on. Yoh was still upstairs using the bathroom, but they hardly noticed that he had been gone for a while. Kisame was slouched in his recliner, Anna replaced the comfort of Yoh's body by leaning on one of the couch pillows, and Lee and Hao shared the other couch that was facing the television.


"What the hell?" said Kisame, looking up to the ceiling, as did everyone else, wondering what the sound was, "Is he shitting out a brick or something?"

"Maybe he had too much of my protein shakes?" suggested Lee.

Their first sight of Yoh was him tumbling down the stairs. He missed a step and rolled all the down to the bottom, finishing off with a pain-filled grown, "That hurt..." he muttered.

"Hmm...I guess its 'Let's Be Idiots Day' in Yoh's world." said Kisame with a laugh, "What's wrong with you?"

"He's not in there..."

"Huh? Can't hear you." said Kisame.

"He's not in there..."

"Can you speak up, Yoh?" asked Hao, wondering why his brother was acting weird.

"I said he's not in there!" the younger Asakura shouted while jumping off the floor, "Naruto-sama is gone!"




".....He's fucking lying." said Kisame, turning back to the television.

"He's not in there! The window is open and his wheelchair is gone!" shouted Yoh again.

Hao, Lee, and Anna jumped up and ran up the stairs to check. Kisame laughed while he stole the remote, "He's lying. I don't believe it. We would have sensed him if he left..."

"He really is gone!" Kisame heard Lee's voice from upstairs.

"Tch, he's probably in the bathroom." mumbled the shark demon.

"He's not in the bathroom either!" shouted Hao.

Kisame started to sweat a little, "Maybe he's just in that closet. He likes sleeping in there from time to time."

"YOSH! Not in the closet as well!"

Now Kisame hopped out of his recliner, grabbed Samehada, and ran up the stairs to join his peerage members, "The fuck you mean he's gone!"

"Does it look like he's in here, dumbass?" said Anna with a snarl, "He left without telling us."

"Well where did he go since you've got all the damn answers in the world!" shouted Kisame, "He even took his fucking wheelchair! And where's his pickle jar that was sitting on his dresser!?"

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