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Two Days Later

Kuoh Academy

"Cardio! Cardio! Everyone loves cardio!" sang Yoh. He was taking a job around town, orders from Anna, with small weights around his wrist and ankles.

"Whew!" said Yoh as he stopped for a second and wiped his brow with the back of his hand. "Halfway there." he muttered to himself. He looked up to see Kuoh Academy and sensed Orochimaru's magic in the school.

"Eh... I hope he's having a good day." Yoh said as he started to jog again.

Inside the school, Orochimaru was sitting at his desk, lost in space. He had handed out a quick quiz for his students to finish at the beginning of class before entering in the land of daydreams.

"Uh... Mr. Tsuki?" said one of his female students. Orochimaru's head perked up as he regained focus.

"Yes?" he asked.

"We're finished.... we finished a couple of minutes ago and tried to get your attention, but you weren't listening to us."

"Oh, forgive me." said Orochimaru as he stood up from his desk and went around the classroom to pick up the papers. Rias, from her spot of the classroom, raised an eyebrow at the man as he silently went around the room. He didn't even give her any type of cocky smile when he came to her desk to collect her paper. Sona, Akeno, and Tsubaki also noticed something was wrong with Orochimaru.

"Mr. Tsuki, is something wrong?" asked Sona.

Orochimaru, at first, didn't say anything. He placed the papers down on his desk and sighed. Everyone in the room looked at his back in worry for the man. They never have seen him act like this...

"Does anyone here believe in the supernatural?"

Rias, Akeno, Tsubaki, and Sona's heads snapped up as they looked at the man in surprise. He couldn't be doing what they thought he was going to do...

"The supernatural? You mean ghost and spirits?" said a boy.

"Yes. Anything along those lines." said Orochimaru as he turned back to the class. His face, while he usually had a frown on his face, had a sad frown that made everyone wonder even more what was wrong.

"Come on, Mr. Tsuki. Aren't scientists in denial of the supernatural? Do you believe in the supernatural?"

"That wasn't the question." Orochimaru answered, but it was filled with seriousness that shut his student's month close in fear.

"I have my thoughts about it." everyone in the room looked to Tsubaki with curiosity. "I'm curious about where you are taking this, sensei."

"So you believe in it?" asked Orochimaru, following her ploy.

"Somewhat, but for this conversation, let's say that I do believe in the supernatural." said Tsubaki as she laced her fingers together.

"So if you believe in the supernatural... like you believe in a deity... what's the point in science?"

Rias' jaw was slightly ajar as she looked at Orochimaru, along with many other students. Was this the same man that preached about the wonders of science and its findings every day?

"I don't understand." said Tsubaki with a head tilt.

Orochimaru chuckled to himself. "Alright, maybe I should explain a little." he sat back down in his chair and pushed the quiz papers to the side "Why do we go through the things that we go through; both good and bad?"

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