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Underworld – Capital City of Lilith

Serafall Memorial Hospital

The light of Esdeath's teleportation dwindled away until the spell was complete, both Esdeath and Naruto now long gone to an unknown place in a matter of seconds. The member's of Team Pickle Rick were stunned, lacking the ability to form words as they tried to register the fact that their master was gone.

Kisame's grip on Samehada's handle tightened exponentially while he gritted his teeth in anger. "Fuck.....fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...." he muttered as he started to pace back and forth, "Why the fuck would she just do some dumb shit like that! That icicle tramp and her dumb ass uppity attitude....shit, what am I gonna do....he's not gonna last long...fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...."

"What...what just happen...." said Yoh, his mouth still hanging from his shock.

Orochimaru growled in anger, "Our master just got abducted and nobody did anything!" he shouted, slamming his fist into the wall, leaving a decent sized crack while doing so, "Kisame! Who was that person?"

"Ffffffuuuuucccckkkkkk..." groaned Kisame, dropping back into his seat and pulling at his hair in frustration, "This isn't good...this isn't good..."

"Kisame!" shouted Anna, snapping the blue-skinned man out of his fear-induced spell, "Stop talking to yourself and tell us who that woman was." she demanded.

The first [Knight] of Naruto Bael sighed. Samehada whimpered at its master's distress, curling around his legs in an act of comfort. However, the demonic sword flinched when Kuroka's foot stomped in front of it.

The Nekomata glared down at Kisame with an intense fury, concentrating her KI at Kisame. Her golden orbs glowed with power and she lifted Kisame's chin with her finger, forcing his head up. "You are going to stop mumbling to yourself and tell us what we want to" she said with authority, not accepting any other answer.

"Don't touch me, pussy." Kisame said, slapping Kuroka's hand away, "I was about to tell you all...I just had think about some shit..."

"We're gonna need you to think quicker if we want to save Naruto-sama. Every second counts." said Anna, "So start talking."

Kisame groaned, leaning back into his chair, "Alright, alright! Fuck this sucks..."

"Uh, hello..." it was the doctors that had left a few minutes prior standing at the door, "We're back to continue checking over-

"Excuse us, but we'll need a few minutes before you all may continue. Thank you." Orochimaru said before closing the door in her face. "Continue." he said, locking the door.

"That woman's name is Esdeath..." started Kisame, "I was with apart of the Old Satan Faction years ago, fighting against the Anti-Satan Faction during the Civil War. That's how I met the idiot...if I was at a specific battlefield, he was assigned to fight me...and if he was at another battlefield, I was assigned to fight him...we canceled each other out, our fights always ending in a tie..."

"That's not answering any of my questions..." said Kuroka with a glare.

"Maybe if you'd let me get the fucking words out of my mouth, then you'd understand!" shouted Kisame, standing from his seat and towering over his ally. Kuroka didn't back down, surrounding her body in a veil of black magic.

"Now isn't the time to fight, you two." said Hao, stopping any sort of fight from occurring, "Kuroka, let Kisame talk uninterrupted please. Continue with your story, Kisame."

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