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Two Weeks Later...

Bael Territory Outskirts

She couldn't lie...

Misla was glad that her....former neighbors had come back.

It had taken a week since Naruto was controlled by Loki's curse before Orochimaru and Kisame came to her house to explain the situation. She was glad that the blonde Bael had fully recovered from such a crazy curse and intense Rating Game. She had watched the entire fight from her house with Sairaorg and his peerage and it was nail biting from beginning to end. All the tension left her body when the announcer said that Team Pickle Rick won the game, but she was still worried about the team since she hadn't heard from them.

However, two weeks ago, Orochimaru and Kisame approached her after the announcement of the last Rating Game of the Bael War. The duo explained everything that had happened since their disappearance, informing the widow that they had taken residence at Yoh and Hao family's house after they helped the team after the Rating Game.

And now, the team had relocated back to the Bael Clan's outskirts, living in her home as they trained for their final fight. Honestly, Misla was glad that they had returned-she had gotten so used to her wacky neighbors, so when they disappeared, she felt lonely again. She quickly offered that they return to the countryside with her to train in private, which they agreed to.

And so, the older Bael watched as Anna, Naruto, Hao, Kuroka and Lee meditate on the destroyed beach in silence. Orochimaru and Kisame went out for groceries earlier while Yoh had to go back to the Asakura Household to handle clan business.

"I'm not going to lie...this is the quietest I've seen them be ever since they became my neighbors." giggled Misla as she watched the scene from afar.

"Hmm....Opacho doesn't understand. They're just sitting there..."

Another pleasing thing that happened for Misla was that she had met Opacho Asakura, Hao's adopted....daughter? Overhearing the girl in a conversation with Lee, Misla knew that the girl saw Hao as an older brother figure, admiring him enough to copy his style of dress with an oversized poncho. She had known that the older Asakura would visit the Iron Maiden Orphanage from Orochimaru during one of their free days and she noticed that Hao wasn't there. Misla was happy for Hao since he always looked annoyed or angry whenever she was around, so she assumed having a child would bring some needed happiness in his life.

"They're meditating, Opacho-chan." answered Misla, "It's something they do to calm their nerves. Tomorrow is the big day, after all."

"The day they go against the big bad man...Opacho uninterested." huffed the girl, "Opacho want's Hao-sama's head pats.

Misla giggled at the small child before taking notice to the moon rising in the purple horizon. It was getting closer to her bedtime as the woman was quite tired. She had been helping the team train as much as possible, helping with strategies and providing them lunch during their breaks. Knowing that today was the last day, she wanted to get in bed a little early to be fully awake for the match tomorrow Team Pickle Rick would have against her husband.

The elder Devil perked up when she noticed that one member of the group, Kuroka, had broken out of the group meditation. She was surveying the area with bored eyes, trying to find something of interest to look at as her twin tails patted the loose sands beneath her. The cat girl had been meditating for hours and she was bored.

'Nyaaa....I want some snacks...' Thought the cat girl as she fiddled around in the sand. 'We've been sitting here for hours and I want to go...I need to catch up on my sleep anyway...'

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