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Human Realm – Kuoh Academy

Occult Research Club

After recovering from the shock of Naruto's sudden appearance and fixing their cloths, Issei and Rias sat on the couch adjacent to Naruto. The blonde Bael himself had finished his popcorn while Rias hid behind the couch to put her shirt back on, and was now sitting on the couch with his legs crossed in a professional manner.

"If someone were to walk in on what I just saw, they wouldn't believe that you two used to hate each other....or at least, Issei hated Rias." he chuckle at the two younger Devils.

"Yeah...." Issei rubbed his head with embarrassment while a large blush grew on Rias' soft cheeks, "A lot has changed since the Devil Exams..." muttered the Red Dragon Emperor.

"Oh?" said Naruto with curiosity, "And what trouble have you two gone through together ever since our last meeting?" he asked.

"Well, we did have to fight again some members apart of the Khoas Brigade," started Rias, "and we ran into Vali and his team again..."

"Vali?" said Naruto with a raised eyebrow, a mental image of the sliver-haired teen appearing in his head, "That's a name I haven't heard in a while."

"I went to Kyoto and saved Yasaka-sama, the Kyoto Youkai Faction Leader, from the Hero Faction!" stated Issei with pride.

"Yasaka?" said Naruto, now a little wide eyed from Issei's revelation, "That's also a name I haven't heard in a while. The last time I saw her was when Kuroka and I visited Kyoto to help with Kuroka's training a few years said that you saved her?" he asked.

"Yes sir!" stated Issei, "She was captured by the Hero Faction and I helped save her! It was hard, but we got through it....Also, Deidara was there trying to hog the limelight..." he grumbled as an image of smirking Deidara appeared in his head.

"And not too long ago was our school festival-which was a success." said Rias, "We've had overcome many unfavorable predicaments, but those same predicaments are what's brought us closer." she said while finishing with a beaming smile.

Naruto hummed at their accomplishments, "Seems like there's been a lot going on recently here in the Human Realm, as well. I haven't been able to stay up to date with what's going on because of everything going on in the Underworld. But, I would like to ask why you two aren't in class?" A devious grin grew on his face as the two young Devil's faces flushed with red, "Classes are still going on at this time, right? Tell me you two weren't skipping to indulge in such activities?"

Naruto's bouncing eyebrows only made it worse for the duo as they struggled to explain themselves. Naruto only laughed at their facial expression, having caught them red handed in skipping classes just to be with each other. "Hehehe! It seems as if Issei's mischievous ways have rubbed off on you, Childish Gremory. Such a shame...I thought he would have picked up on your intellect, but I guess it was the other way around."

"He has been influencing me, Naruto-sama... and not in a good way." she said with a fake glare at her grinning [Pawn].

"Hey! At least we didn't have to sit through our last class! They're so boring!" exclaimed Issei.

"Hopefully, you two haven't just been sneaking off to have your little make-out sessions." said Naruto, "How have you two progressed in your training?"

Issei grinned as his Longinus, Boosted Gear, flashed onto his arm. "I've gotten hella good with my Sacred Gear! I can even promote myself to [Queen] during a Rating Game and kick ass!"

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