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"And what would you like for your midday snack, Opacho-sama?"

"Opcaho-chan want animal crackers."

"Alright. We can take car-

"Actually..... pudding. Chocolate pudding."

"Oh! Well, we do have that, so I'll just fetch it for you now."

"W-wait!...what flavor are the animal crackers?"

"Well, they are usually vanilla flavor, Opacho-sama."

"Can you blend the animal crackers in the pudding to make it chocolate pudding with vanilla animal cracker chunks?"

"....Uh...y-yes, Opacho-sama. I can arrange that."

"Great. Opacho happy."

"Alright...I'll go take care of that now."

"Okay, just make sure you take out all of the mammal animal crackers."

".....excuse me?"

"Take out all the animal crackers that are mammals. They taste nasty."

"Y-yes...yes ma'am....I'll get to that-

"And what type of gummy worms do we have available?"

"Hao-sama just ordered another box for you the other day but eating so much sugar can be bad for you Opacho-sama. Maybe you shou-

"Okay. Once you blend the non-mammal animal crackers in the chocolate pudding, put the gummy worms into the pudding like actual worms digging through the mud. It makes it more realistic. Opacho like realistic."

".....Okay.....Is there anything else you would like for your snack?"

"Nope. Opacho good."

"....Are you SURE?"


"Absolutely positive?"

"Yup, yup, yup."





"Okay...I'll go get that for you no-

"And once you put the worms in the chocolate pudding mixed with the non-mammal vanilla-flavored animals crackers, Opacho need some Hubba Bubba gum so Opacho can-


Kuroka stared at herself in the mirror in silence. She was already dressed for the coronation and was just waiting for the time to meet up with the others to head to Bael Citadel together. The Nekoshou had abandoned her usual black kimono for her two-part kimono with a long purple garment that covered her legs and a rainbow, floral-patterned top that exposed her larger than average breast. Her two long bangs rested exposed shoulders and breast, and she wore an elegant flora-pin in her hair-right underneath her right cat ear. Overall, the [Queen] looked absolutely stunning and more than fit the appearance of a noble woman of the Underworld.

"You look great, Kuroka." clapped Yoh, sitting on the edge of her bed with his fiancée. Yoh's wore a simple blue kimono with an orange sash. For once he wasn't wearing his headphones on his head-rather, they were around his neck along with his three-clawed necklace he always wore.

Anna was without her usual red bandana seeing as it wasn't fit for a formal event-she still wore her Ten-Eighty beads around her neck. She wore a simple all white kimono with purple butterflies filling up the space. She also wore a matching orange sash like Yoh. "Stunning..." she said blankly.

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