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"Man, I'm bored." said Issei as he walked down the crowded street.

The meeting between Rias, Sona, and Orochimaru happened three days ago. Issei, while he was supposed to go, had met Asia while on his way back to the school and decided to help her instead. He knew that he wasn't as important as the other members to Rias' peerage, so he thought he could get away with this one slip up...

However, that proved to be false because Rias giving him the scolding of a lifetime when she saw him the next morning. She expressed her anger further by punishing him with... 100 lashings on his bottom... Issei shivered and rubbed his butt as he thought back to that cursed magic seal she used to embarrass him in front of the rest of his fellow peerage members. While he understood her anger, he just wished that she delivered her punishment in private...

After that, he continued his training with Kiba, who was helping him develop with his Sacred Gear. He wanted to get stronger; strong enough to protect those that he loved.

Issei stopped walking as he started to think to himself. 'Other than my parents... do I even have anyone I love to protect?'

His heart throbbed in pain as he thought about Yuuma's smiling face. It continued to torture him in his dreams because it was the face of the person that he loved; the person that he failed to protect.

"Don't think too much of it partner." said the voice of Ddraig, the legendary dragon sealed inside of his Longinus. "You couldn't have done anything back then. You were a human that didn't know anything about the supernatural. What happened to that girl is not your fault. However, you can use her death as motivation to protect those that you will come to love in the future."

"Heh, you're right. I understand that there was nothing I can do.... But there was something that 'she' could have done." Issei said with gritted teeth as she thought back on Rias' selfishness.

"While true, it's something you can't continue to hold on." explained the dragon. "Hatred is a poison you drink willingly. Overtime, you'll come to understand the Gremory's reasons as to why she did what she did. I suspect that she has her own problems that she hides from us."

"And it's the fact that she continues to hide things is why I don't trust her." exclaimed Issei. "She's my [King] and I'm supposed to be loyal to her, but I don't think that I can ever forgive her, Ddraig."

"Understandable, but you'll learn that holding onto that hate won't benefit you in the long run." said Ddraig. It was silent between the two before Ddraig spoke again. "Someone is coming. Two of them, actually, and they're strong! Get ready!"

Taking heed to his shouts of worry, Issei looked around to see if he could locate whatever supernatural creature was behind him. They wouldn't try to attack him here, in a crowded place...right?

Issei finally located the two that was imitating the magic that Ddraig was talking about. It was a boy and a girl who seemed to be around his age. The boy had a lot of suitcases in his hands while the girl, who was very cute to Issei after giving her a quick once-over, was enjoying a cup of lemonade.

"So you're the guy that we felt out." said the blonde girl that had a nonchalant face. "You're nothing to worry about."

"Now, Anna... that wasn't nice." said the boy. He looked towards the curious Issei with a lazy smile. "Yo! My name's Yoh and this is Anna."

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