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Rias was not happy at the moment.

For one, she couldn't watch the coronation that was happening since she wasn't a Bael Clan member, which she believed was stupid. She wanted to see Naruto be crowned King of Bael. Just because she wasn't a Bael Clan member shouldn't mean that the precious moment should be robbed from her.

Secondly, she was the ONLY Gremory in the packed party hall. Naruto had made sure that the only Gremory's that could come were herself and her nephew, Milicas Gremory- Sirzechs and Grayfia's son. Since he is underaged, the couple decided to leave Milicas home while they attended the party. She knew that Naruto didn't like her family very much (and had all the reason in the world not to), but she didn't think he would be this petty. 'That dinner party was really petty, too...'

Third, the party hall was PACKED with Devils! Well, not all the way packed. Rias was impressed at the size of the venue which was in Bael Castle. There had to be a few thousand Devils in one large hall and it still fit everyone with room to spare. However, she wasn't expecting so many Devils at one time. Thankfully, Naruto had gave her and her friends special seating- a few large, circular tables roped off with security protecting them. It made her feel more special than usual, so she could deal with the masses as of now.

"Not liking the crowd either, I see." said Sona as she took a seat next to the redheaded Gremory. She helped Opacho get into the chair next to her. "I didn't think that this event would be this big."

"I know..." sighed Rias before moving her focus to Opacho-she was eating a chocolate cake with her bare hands with happiness. "Is that who I think it is?"

"Yes, this is Hao's 'daughter', Opacho." Sona introduced, "I just met her today. Say hello, Opacho."

"You're the Childish Gremory! Opacho heard about you!" Rias' smile did a one-eighty as a pulsing vein grew from her forehead, "You're the girl that was engaged to Yakitori and Hao-sama and the others had to save you!"


"You may know that idiot as Riser Phenex."

"Oh." Rias sweat dropped, "Uhm...yes...that is me. Opacho-chan, why aren't you with Hao-sama for the coronation? It's happening right now."

"Because Opacho not a 'clan member' and not a part of Naruto's peerage..." She said with a huff, "The old geezers wouldn't let Opacho in. Sona had to pick me up."

"Oh, how sad. Well, you can hang out with us until Hao comes out." Offered Rias.

"Hmmm...Opacho will think about it." Said the girl before refocusing on her half-eaten cake.

'Why does she think she's too cool for us....' Thought both Rias and Sona.

"Well then, look what we have here." Said a familiar voice. Seekvaira Agares, heiress of the Agares Clan, stood over the two other heiresses with her arms crossed. "Two little girls apart of traitor clans. I wonder what diabolical plans you to will conjure whenever something doesn't go your way."

"Seek!" squealed Opacho, jumping out of her chair and hugging the dirty blonde's leg, "Why ya' been? Did you bring Opacho candy?"

"No, Opacho. Hao-san as expressed to me how much he doesn't want you eating a lot of sugar, which is why I'm confused as to why there is chocolate cake all over your mouth?"

"Uh....Opacho go get napkin." She said before dashing away, avoiding any more criticism.

"Amazing how one can be good with kids but still be so cynical of those in her age group." said Sona once Opacho was gone, "That last comment was completely uncalled for."

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