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Kuoh Park

Vali was standing strong with a large smirk on his face as he stared at his competition that was Naruto Bael. He was itching with excitement and his blood started to pump even more when his eyes met Naruto's deep blue ice. The Bael had an emotionless look but it still put fear into Vali, which only fueled his excitement even more.

"Vali," said a deep voice from within Vali's mind. A picture of a large, menacing, white dragon with golden horns and blue eyes appeared in Vali's mental. "Be careful of this person. I'm getting a very ominous vibe from him."

'I'm getting that same feeling as well, which means I know that he's strong! He's something that I've never experienced and it's going to be something nobody in the world can copy!' said the teenager.

"Understandable, but I want you to think with your mind instead of your lust for battle during this fight." said Albion, "He's...interesting...Don't underestimate him."

"Agreed..." said Vali silently while summoning up his magic.

However, before he could attack, Naruto interrupted him, "Before we begin, can we change the scenery? I don't want to battle in a place where humans come to all the time. I know a spot outside of the city where we can battle to our hearts content. Are you fine with this?"

Vali speculated over the idea of changing location for a small while, but he nodded his head in agreement after not finding anything wrong with moving the fight elsewhere. "Good. Follow me." said Naruto as he disappeared into a magic seal he created. Sensing out where he was going, Vali slowly followed the blonde Bael to their battleground.

Outskirts of Kuoh

Vali appeared from his magic seal and was welcomed to the sight of Naruto using his spell tags to create a barrier around them. His eyes glowed red for a few seconds and his tags flew to life, flying in random direction out around them. A large blue dome surrounded them after wards, encasing and protecting the outside world from their fight.

"That should do it." Naruto muttered with a sigh. His instincts quickly alarmed him to move and he listened, summoning his wings and flying away from where he once was. Vali slammed down where Naruto once was with blue wings of energy sprouting out of his back. The earth below him had a deep fissure, a display of force that Vali put into his landing.

"I'm sick of waiting! Let's battle now!" shouted the young Lucifer. Naruto narrowed his eyes, looking down at Vali, before calling upon his magic. A red hue surrounded the Bael as he recalled his wings, his body dropping to the ground. The moment Naruto hit the ground, he rocket towards Vali. The teenager smirked and propelled himself towards Naruto with equal speed, ready to start off the fight.

Naruto Bael, Full-Blood High-Class Devil, [King]


Vali Lucifer, Half-human/half-devil

Vali shot his right arm through the air and towards Naruto once they were close enough to where it would connect. However, Naruto summoned his wings again and quickly spun under and past Vali. Vali looked back to Naruto once he landed on the ground, but the sound of something fizzling in front of his caught his attention. He turned around to see one of Naruto's spell tags was smoking before it exploded right in his face.

Naruto calmly watched the explosion behind him, waiting for some type of reaction from Vali. His patience was awarded when he saw Vali fly out of the smokescreen with a magic seal he used as a barrier from the explosion, protecting him from the majority of the blast. Naruto crafted a ball of his Power of Destruction in his hand and threw it at Vali. The boy recalled his barrier and held his hand out to the approaching orb, "Divide!"

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