Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

"Ryder, how dare you talk to me that way last night!" Katrina screetched.

Ryder rolled his eyes and turned his body in her direction. "Because you were being a--"

"Okay guys, that's enough." I stated sternly. Katrina glared at me.

"No one was talking to you, freak!" Suddenly, she flicked her fingers upwards, and my tray of food flew into my lap. Water started soaking through the fabric of my uniform.

"Whoa," I said, trying to wipe the mess off of my shirt. "not cool."

"Okay, I'm done with you." Ryder stated, turning away from her. He waved his hand in a circle, and I felt a cool breeze on my entire body. I looked down, and my uniform was completely dry.

"Ryder, you don't understand!" Katrina cried. "We belong together!"

"How about no."

"Ugh!" She yelled, walking away. "You're impossible!"

"Sorry," Ryder said to me. "This is getting ridiculous."

"You're telling me."

Just then, Daniel walked through the door. My eyes widened as I glanced from Ryder to Daniel.

"Hey," Daniel said as he put his arm around me and kissed my cheek.

"Hi," I said, trying to avoid eye contact with Ryder.

"Want to get breakfast with me?" I looked over at my tray that had been emptied by Katrina.

"Sure," I said to him.

Daniel looked at Ryder. "Hey."

Ryder grunted in response. Oh no.

"Alright, Daniel, let's go!" I said, pulling him towards the line. Ryder waved goodbye to me, then left the cafeteria. I picked out some more food, and Daniel and I settled on a place to sit.

We ate quietly for a bit, and Daniel broke the silence. "Do you want to go out with me tonight?" He asked. I looked at him in shock.


"I don't know. Thought we could see a movie tonight."

Wow, Daniel wanted to date me? This was all so confusing. But how did I feel? Sure, I liked Daniel and everything, and he's definitely an attractive guy, but... Sarah.

"I think you should ask Sarah." I answered. He stared at me.

"Annalise," he said slowly. "I do like Sarah quite a bit. It's just that you and I definitely have something here."

"Have what?!" I asked angrily. "Daniel, I've known you for my whole life, and now you choose to say something? After the guy I liked hurt me? Do you think I'm ready for that? Because I'm not!"

"You were the one who kissed me last night."

"I felt sad, Daniel! You're my best friend, and it just kind of happened!"

"I can't believe you!" Daniel said sternly. "You kissed me last night, and yes, maybe I kissed you first, but still! I like you, and I want to turn our friendship into something more, but you're just acting like all of this is a big mistake!"

"Well maybe it is!" I blurted out. Oops.

Daniel looked me in the eyes sadly, then picked up his tray. "Fine, whatever. Go crying off to Ryder. He's your new bestie anyway." He  said, walking out of the cafeteria without looking back.

Okay, I know I'm going to regret starting this, but here it goes:

Team Ryder or Team Daniel?

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