Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I turned around to look at the teacher. His eyes were open wide and he was staring at me, just like everyone else.

"Class dismissed."

Already? Why?

I felt an arm grab onto mine roughly. I looked to my right to see an older lady looking intensely at me.

"I need you to come with me." She said sternly. Oh crap, what had I gotten myself into?

The woman pulled me along the yard towards the castle while I desperately tried to search for Daniel. He was shouting my name, but so many people were rushing past him that he would never get the teacher's attention. Oh no. I hoped he was okay. I think I freaked a lot of people out.

"Ryder," The woman called out. "over here, please." I looked to my left to see Ryder jogging up to us as we continued towards the castle.

"She has it, doesn't she?" He asked the woman. She nodded.

"Yes, which is why we'll have to talk to her."


What has Ryder have to do with this?

When we finally made it to the Castle, the woman took us up seven different staircases.

I was beat.

She unlocked a large wooden door, and she opened it to reveal an office. Hmm. Must be hers.

"Sit." She told me, pointing to a chair. I did what I was told, and Ryder took the seat next to me. "Don't worry, you're not in trouble." she said, finally cracking a smile. Relief washed over me, and I let out the breath I was holding.

She took a seat at her desk and stared at us for a minute. "Annalise, a few minutes ago, you displayed exceptional magic." She started. "Much more powerful than the other students." She added. "The only other person with that much power at this school is Ryder." She mentioned, glancing at the boy next to me.

I glanced over to him, too, but instead of his usual smirk, his face had a serious expression. It was the most serious look I have seen from him since I started here.

I looked back at the woman. "I'm professor Mills, by the way."

I nodded.

"Annalise, your magic is very, very rare. It makes you powerful beyond your belief, but it is also very dangerous. There are people who would kill for your power. Some people have."

I gulped. What?

"That's why you need to be protected. I'm not going to sugar-coat it. You are in extreme danger." She said seriously.

I opened my mouth to speak. "This morning I couldn't even produce a single spark." I told her.

She chuckled a little. "Your timidness will be an obstacle for you." She said. I nodded. "But you will need proper training. Every day after school from now on, Ryder is going to work with you. With his help, your magic can reach its full potential." She said quietly. "And Ryder, I need you to protect her. There will be many student willing to steal away her powers." She said to him. He nodded.

"And Annalise, you're being transferred to the red group. You displayed a different personality and potential than what your testing showed. Also, this will allow Ryder to keep a closer eye on you." I nodded in understanding.

"Ryder, I expect you to fill her in on the rest. I need to prepare for my next class." Professor Mills said.

He nodded, standing up. "Where should we go for training?"

The professor thought for a minute. "The West tower. No one knows how to get there." She told him.

"Okay, we can start now."



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Sorry I haven't updated in a long time, but I'm back! (In Black)

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