Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

I nervously fixed my skirt, waiting for Ryder to arrive. He was supposed to be here at 8, but it was only 7:46. I combed my hair again and looked in the mirror. I hope my clothes were okay. I wasn't in my uniform, and I wasn't in my mother's clothes either. Luckily I had gone shopping with Sarah, and she helped me pick out my own outfit. So here I was, standing in my skirt and cardigan, wondering if I was wearing the right thing. Unfortunately, I had no time to change my mind because someone knocked on the door.

"Ryder?" I asked, opening the door. "You're early."

"Sorry," he said. "Do you need more time?" I shook my head.

"No, I was actually just looking for a way to kill the time."

"Alright, you can come with me then!"

I followed him down a few flights of stairs to the boys' dorms, where there were lots of people crowded.

"How is everyone going to fit in one dorm?" I asked, surprised by the amount of people around. Ryder chuckled.

"You must never have been to a magic party before, huh?"

I shook my head. "I've never been to any party before." This made Ryder laugh even harder.

"There are spells to extend rooms, Annalise."


We finally made it to the entrance, and Ryder was right; the room was huge. There was music blasting, and here and there a few items were floating along. My eyes widened at the sight. It was amazing. "Let's go," Ryder said, gently pulling me along with him.

"Hey Ryder!" I heard a girl say. We turned around to see Hannah, a girl from the pink class with her hands on her hips. She walked closer and put a hand on his arm, batting her eyelashes. "You wanna dance?"

Ryder had a smirk on his face. "Sure," he replied. "But a little bit later. Annalise and I just got here."

Hannah looked at me, just now realizing I was here. She gave me a fake smile, then looked back at Ryder. "Okay, later then!"

We continued walking, but we were stopped again by another girl. This one I didn't know. "Ryder!" She shrieked, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Long time no see!"

"Yeah, it's been awhile, Michelle." Ryder replied.

"You wanna get a drink with me?" She asked.

"In a little bit." He said, walking past her. He looked down to me. "So, what do you want to do?" He asked.

"I don't really know what people do at these things." I replied.

He smiled. "Well, there's dancing, games, karaoke, or we could just chill with people."

I laughed. "Well the dancing and karaoke is definitely a no." I told him. "But I'm fine with just talking to people if that's what you want. You seem to be very popular around here." He looked around the room. "Sorry about that." He said softly.

"No! Don't be sorry! It's absolutely fine." I assured him.

"Ryder, man!" We looked to our left, where there was a group of guys.

"Hey guys!" Ryder said. He looked at me and I nodded. We walked over there and sat down on the couches with them, and finally I felt a bit more comfortable for the first time that night.

Thanks for reading!

Question: Do you think anything will happen at the rest of the party? Comment your answer!

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