Chapter 61

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Chapter 61

The next morning after breakfast, Ryder and I were on our way again. 

"When will we be there?" I asked.

"About three hours." Ryder replied. "We'll be there soon." 

I groaned, not wanting to sit in the car for three more hours. At least I was in the car with him, not with someone like Katrina. 

I looked out the window, and soon I was drifting off to sleep.

"Annalise, we're almost there." I heard Ryder say. He was shaking me softly. 

I woke up and stretched my arms out. The scenery had definitely changed. Last I saw, we were on the interstate. Now we were on a gravel road in the middle of a forest. 

"Whoa, where are we?" I asked, looking around. 

"This is our kingdom," Ryder replied softly. 

We approached a black metal gate with two guards in front of it. 

"Hey Ryder!" One of them said. "How's it going?"

"Hey Randy. It's pretty good. Just visiting for awhile."

"Alright, it's good to see you!"

The man pressed a button, and the gates opened. Ryder pulled through and continued along the path. After a few minutes, the forest opened up into a clearing, and the most beautiful castle I have ever seen appeared. A lake with a fountain was in front of it, and the sun glimmered off the water. 

"Whoa, this is your house?" I asked Ryder.

"Technically, it's my father's house." He replied. "But yeah I guess." 

He parked right in front of the castle, and immediately a man in a suit stepped out. He opened the door, for me as Ryder exited the vehicle. 

"May I take your car?" The man, who I assume was some sort of butler, asked. 

"Sure," Ryder replied, handing him the keys. 

"Your father's in the main hall waiting for you," The man replied. 

Ryder nodded, and he walked with me through the entrance. In the large room,  there was an older man sitting at a desk writing something on a piece of paper. 

"Hello Ryder," The man said without looking up. "What brings you here?"

"I think you know." 

The man sighed and looked up, then looked at me. "Who is this?" 

"Annalise Baker. Daughter of Katherine Baker." 

He stood up immediately and stared at me. He stepped around his desk and came closer. 

"Annalise Baker? You look just like your mother."

"My mother? You knew her? " I asked him.

"Of course. We went to school together." He said. "I can sense your power from here."

"You can?"

"Absolutely. I'm William by the way. What brings you here?"

"Didn't you get Professor Reynolds' message?" Ryder asked.

"I did. But I'm not listening to anything that crazy man says. He is just jealous of our family's royalty."

"Father, Devin is killing people."

"We've been through this before, Ryder. Devin isn't doing anything. I think you just want him out of the picture so you can become the king."

"That's not true at all. Devin is trying to kill Annalise and me. He wants both of our powers."

King William waved him off. "Sorry about him Miss Baker. He's power hungry. But you... you are just like your mother. Beautiful and powerful. I've been waiting for awhile to meet you."

"You have? I didn't know that people knew me."

"Oh yes," King William said. "I've known about you since the day you were born." 

I gave him a confused look, then looked at Ryder. 

"Yeah, I kind of knew about you for awhile too," he admitted, scratching the back of his head. 

"Anyways, you are just the woman for my son. You have amazing genes. Therefore, I am arranging for you and him to be married."

My eyes widened, and so did Ryder's. "What? No, it's not like that." I tried to explain. "We are just good friends, and Ryder was supposed to train me. That's all."

"That's not what I meant." King William said. "I meant my other son."



Sorry this is a short chapter.

Shocking news isn't it!? Bet you didn't see that coming!

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