Chapter 57

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Chapter 57 (Picture is of Annalise's dress)

"H-Hi" I said softly. I was sitting in front of the most attractive guy I've ever seen. Again, I know it's hard to tell by the mask, but even with only his lips, eyes, and chin showing, I could already tell that he was hot. 

He leaned down and put his lips by my ear. "Would you like to dance?"

I nodded, dazed, and took his hand. He led me to the center of the room and held my waist and hand. He led as we swayed to the music, and I felt a my heart fluttering. 

"What's your name?" I asked him, not caring that I wasn't supposed to know. 

"Isn't that supposed to be a secret?" He asked, giving me a smile. It was gorgeous. His hair was slicked back, and he had such kind eyes. 

I nodded a little, but I was still slightly disappointed that he wouldn't tell me who he was.

"So I have to ask, are you and Nate..."

"No, I was just dancing with him. That's all."

"I'm not surprised. All guys want to dance with the prettiest woman in the room."

I blushed a deep red. "I wouldn't say that I'm the prettiest."

"You sure about that?" He asked. "Because I've had my eyes on you since you entered the room." 


"Of course."

The song ended, unfortunately, and I was about to tell him that I was going to go, but he interrupted my thought. 

"Again?" I nodded,  and he pulled me closer. Our stomachs were touching, and his hand moved to my hip. "That's better." 

My heart was racing, but I still managed to move my hand on his shoulder a little closer to his neck. I could feel him breathing, and I'm sure he felt me too.

"Don't worry, the reaction you're having is typical. It happens to all girls who come near me."

I laughed, embarrassed. "Are there lots?"

"Why? Are you jealous?"

"I don't know." 

He laughed, and we continued dancing to the music. after a couple minutes, the song ended. He let go, which cut off the warmth immediately. 

"Do you want to go outside?" He asked.

"Yes," I said automatically. There was no way I was going to stay away from this guy. We walked outside, hand in hand, and went down the stone steps. 

"So, how old are you?" I asked him.


Same as me! Score!

"Are you going to tell me the color group you're in?"

"Probably not." He said, smirking. "Are you trying to trip me up?"

"No, I just want to know who you are." 

We were nearing a bundle of trees, and it was very remote and secluded. I couldn't help thinking that Ryder would kill me if he knew I was going here with some guy I just met, but I didn't care. 

He stopped at a tree and faced me, taking my hand and pulling me tightly to him. He gently leaned me against the tree and put a hand on my waist. With the other, he stroked my cheek. 

"You look so beautiful." He whispered, his face an inch from mine. 

And then he leaned in the rest of the way and kissed me. 

As soon as our lips connected, my heart seemed to double its pace. His lips were soft and gentle. I felt a buzz of electricity flowing through my veins, and I assumed that was the power transfer Ryder was talking about. But that's not what I focused on. He continued kissing me softly, stroking my cheek. The kiss was the best thing I have ever felt, but unfortunately he eventually pulled away. 

He looked at my blushing face and smiled. "You're cute when you blush." He said. And then he leaned in again, giving me another soft kiss, but with a bit more passion. I shifted and put my arms around him, trying to pull him closer. We kept going for along time, but when we pulled away again, it felt like it was so short. 

"Time to get you back." He breathed.

I shook my head. "No way."

He laughed. "I don't want anyone to miss you too much. Besides, the party's almost over anyway."

Really? We were together that long? I raised my eyebrows. "Oh," 

He chuckled and took my hand, walking with me back towards the school. We were both pretty quiet on the way back, but it wasn't awkward or anything. I was still recovering from his kiss. We stepped inside, and surprisingly there weren't very many people left in the room. 

"This is where I leave you," My beautiful stranger said. 

"Please, tell me your name." I said. 

He smirked. "Sorry."

And then he walked away. 

My heart ached a little after he left. Would I ever find him again? 


I turned around to see Sarah, who seemed to have been waiting for me. "I've been looking all over for you," she said. "Where have you been?"

"Oh, nowhere." I replied. 

She smiled. "Did you have fun?"

"Yeah, did you?"

"Yep!" She said. "I got phone numbers from 4 different guys."

We left the ballroom, and we walked upstairs together. Eventually we parted, going to our own separate rooms. I unlocked my door and flopped onto the bed, trying to figure out if this amazing night was real or just a dream. 



Did you guys like it!?!?

I know I did. 

What's going to happen next?

How will Ryder react? Will he find out?

Who is this mysterious stranger?

Will she find him again?


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