Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"Try again, Annalise," Professor Brown said.

I tried so hard to levitate the pencil, but I was just too nervous. I concentrated again, but as soon as I saw Ryder staring at me, I felt absolutely no power.

"Maybe if we left the room she could do it" Ryder suggested. She nodded.

"Okay class, we're taking a trip to the library!"

The class groaned and reluctantly walked out of the classroom. The professor smiled at me and shut the door behind her. I looked around the room. No one was around.

I glanced at the pencil and flicked my finger upwards. The pencil shot straight up into the air and stuck into the ceiling. I smiled.

I looked around the room for something else to levitate. A few books caught my eye, and I concentrated on them floating. Within a second, they were 5 feet in the air. Their pages were flying back and fourth.

Next, I looked for something else. Something heavier. I raised my hands, and all of the desks and chairs in the classroom flew up. I laughed, imagining the look on Katrina's face if she was sitting in one of the chairs. I turned my hands in a circle, and everything moved around the room.

"Having fun?"

I jumped and dropped all of the desks and chairs to the ground. They fell with a loud crash. I turned around, blushing, to find Ryder leaning on the teacher's desk. (Why does he always do that?)

He was trying to keep a straight face, but I could see that he was about to start laughing at any moment.

I turned away, avoiding eye contact. He was spying on me? I thought all of them were going to the library.

"Well, we definitely know you're in the right group. I have never seen another student levitate that much at this age. Besides me, of course."

I still didn't respond. This was embarrassing.

"Annalise! You did it!" I looked up to see Professor Brown grinning at me.

I smiled a little. "Yeah... I am sorry about your classroom." She laughed a little.

"That's why we have powers, silly!"

She and Ryder did some strange motions with their hands, and the desks and chairs moved back to their original positions. I stayed silent.

"Ryder, you can go ahead and take her to your next class now." She said. He nodded and motioned me to come with him. We were about 10 feet out the door when we heard Professor Brown.

"Bye Annalise! Don't let Ryder flirt with you too much!"

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