Chapter 68

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Chapter 68

I crawled over to Ryder's body, tears streaming down my face. 

"Ryder, no. Ryder, please don't do this to me!" I cried, looking at his lifeless face. 

"He's alive," the king whispered. "but barely."

"Can't you heal him?" I asked. He shook his head. 

"A wizard can only heal once." he said sadly. "I tried it one day when my wife was sick. She got better, but eventually took a turn for the worse." 

I nodded. "Can you show me how?" 

"Put your hands on his chest and wait. A green light will flow from your hands to his body after a few seconds. Some of your powers will drain into him."

I put my hands on his chest, not caring if I would drain my own powers or not. Ryder needed to be alive. After a few seconds, the green light did not show. Instead, red sparks flickered out of my hands, and my heart sank.

"I can't believe it," the king whispered. 

"What is it?" I asked, trying not to panic. 

"He's healed you before, hasn't he?" 

I looked at him, confused, but then I remembered the day the sirens pulled me into the lake. Ryder refused to tell me how he healed me. I opened my mouth, but no words came out. 

"No one can be healed by someone they've already saved," The king said. "And the only other wizard powerful enough to save Ryder is dead." 

I looked back at Devin's body. Yeah, he really was dead. Not just knocked out. Dead. 

I looked back to Ryder and held his face in my hand. "Ryder, please don't leave me," I whispered. 

There was a flash, and the king and I turned around in shock. A smile made its way to the king's face. A hooded figure had appeared from nowhere. You couldn't see his face, but he didn't look friendly. 

"King Mitchell, I'm scared. Should we run?" I asked. 

"No," He replied. "Don't be scared, it's the Being." 

"Hello, dear wizards." The being called out. "I'm the Being, creator of all magic." 

I stared at him in shock as he approached me. 

"I saw what happened. You saved the magic world, Miss Baker."


"That man over there," the Being began, pointing to Devin's dead body. "would have destroyed the magic world, leaving no one else but him with power. He would have killed every person with an ounce of magic in them. But you didn't let that happen." I still couldn't see his face, but I could hear a smile in his voice. "

"Who exactly are you?" I asked, still confused. 

The Being stepped closer, then held a hand out. A large purple orb emerged from his palm. "I am the one who adds magic to newborns. You weren't born a witch, Miss Baker. I visited your mother 18 years ago and gave you the powers you have today." I stood still, shocked. "It's supposed to be a happy gift," the Being explained. "But some people get too greedy. I am extremely grateful, and I will forever be in your debt." The Being turned to go, but I stopped him. 

"Wait!" I exclaimed. He turned around. "Please, could you save him?" I asked, looking at Ryder. Blood was pooling all over the green grass. 

To my surprise, the Being bowed to me. "As you wish." He walked over to Ryder and put one hand on his wound. Immediately, it closed up and Ryder's eyes fluttered open. 

"Ryder!" I exclaimed. leaning down to hug him. 

He smiled. "I knew you wouldn't be able to keep your hands off me." I smiled back at him, but he looked confused. "Where's Devin?"

"Dead." We both looked up when we heard the king's voice. He crouched down next to Ryder and put a hand on his shoulder. "I know this will never be enough Ryder, but I'm so sorry." 

Ryder smiled and hugged his father. Tears of happiness poured out of my eyes. 

"Well, if you don't need anything else, I'll just be going then." The Being said. We said our goodbyes, and he disappeared with a flash. 

I helped Ryder to his feet, just as people began to appear again. Heads poked from around corners and rocks. They looked almost... relieved. 

"I need to sort everything out." The king told us, dismissing himself.

I looked up at Ryder with grin on my face. "We did it."

He laughed and pulled me closer to him. "Yes we did." He said, leaning down to kiss me. I felt that buzz of power tingle through me, and I giggled. 

He smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too."



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