Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


I opened my door to find Daniel.

"Oh, thank goodness you're okay." He said, pulling me into one of the tightest hugs ever.

"Daniel, I'm fi-"

"Did he hurt you?"

"No, Daniel I'm fine. Ryder took care of it." I told him.

He nodded. "Okay."

We walked down to breakfast together quietly and grabbed some waffles.

"May I have your attention, please." The headmaster said as soon as everyone was seated. The room fell silent.

"It is that time of year, everyone. In two weeks, Juniper Falls will be holding our very own Autumn Formal."

There were some whispers throughout the entire cafeteria after the news.

"Silence please. As you know, it is an important fundraiser for our academy, and I expect all of you to attend with an escort."

Again, there were some whispers and giggles after the headmaster had spoken.

"This year, in order to avoid complications, your professors and I have come up with a method to ensure that everyone is able to attend with their escort. There is, of course, a dress code."

The group of people groaned.

"Ladies, you most wear the same color dress as your color group. Gentlemen, this means that you must wear a tie the same color as your group. Anyway, in the main hall near the waterfall, every student has something hung on the wall. Gentlemen, you have boutonnières. And ladies, you have bows. As soon as a gentleman asks a lady to be their escort, the boutonnière and bow under the names of the couple will fall off of the wall, and they may pick them up for the formal."

Again, there were lots of people whispering and giggling to their neighbors.

"That's really a lot more complicated than it needs to be." Daniel whispered next to me.

"I look forward to seeing you all there. Have a good day, everyone," The headmaster said, stepping down from the podium.

"Wow." Daniel said. "Formals are dumb."




Sorry, super short chapter.

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