3. Hanging out

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Revy: I call bullshit but for some goddamn I believe the chicken, bunny ears and metal jaw here.

After hearing everyone's story, she had to have a whole moment to process the absurdity of what everyone said before turning to Y/N.

Revy: You there! Prove that you are not like me!

Y/N: You sure? It's not gonna be pretty.

Revy: *scoff* Fuck yeah. Don't wuss out you-


Y/N took a knife out and promptly stabs himself in the side of the head.

Revy: *shock* Why the fuck would you do that idiot?!

Y/N: You said to prove that I'm not like you and I did.

Revy: I didn't tell you to try and kill yourself.

Y/N: Now be amazed.

Y/N takes the knife out of his head and Revy watches in fascination as the flesh around closes in as if there wasn't a stab wound in the first place.

Revy: Well fuck me you really are different. Am I the only normal being here?

Everyone else: Yes.

Hank: Anyway, since we're almost there, I'm kinda curious about one thing. Why did your friends betray you in the first place exactly?

Revy flinches at this, which was noticeable by Y/N as he moves over to Hank.

Y/N: *whisper* Please don't ask her that.

Hank: *realize* Oh.....alright sorry if I made ya uncomfortable.

Revy: No need apologizing Hank.

She leans back, sighing as the drive continues for another hour with BBQ cracking up funny jokes every 2 minutes when the truck slows down.


Hank: Here we are. Welcome to Waytown city. It's currently 7 PM so I think we should go get dinner first.....which is conveniently right next to us in a diner.

Velvet: Uhhhh....Hank?

Hank turns around to find BBQ vibrating on his seat as if he was quaking with excitement.

Hank:.....OH SHI-

BBQ: *scream* FOOD!

Before anyone could move BBQ ran, his little feet swinging back and forth as he made his way to the diner across the street in an instant.

Y/N: Velvet get the money bag!

Velvet: On it Y/N!

Hank jumps out of the truck to go after BBQ while Velvet ran inside with the group's money bag.

Revy: Is this a normal thing with you 4?

Y/N: Only with me Hank and BBQ. We only met Velvet 4 days ago.

Revy: Oh......Whatever. *rumble* I'm fucking starving.


Head chef: *sobbing* P-Please no more! We will run out of food for customers!

Y/N: Hang on there! Just 5 more plates and your done! I'll even give you $5000 in compensation! You don't want to make him mad do you?

Seeing the money presented in front of him ignited the fire within the chef as he swiftly makes 5 more plates despite his tired state.
Outside, a mountain of plates can be seen stacking up across different tables as BBQ inhaled, chewed, swallowed whatever there was on the table.

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