22. Purging Evil

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???2: What a loser!

???3: What about Y/N?

???4: Who cares about him? Let's leave now.

???5: Who's that kid.

???6: He looks so sad......

???7: Leave him be. He clearly needs no help.

So lonely.....


God of light: You shouldn't have interfered with fate. Now because of you, we have to destroy Remnant.

God of darkness: Any last words mortal?

Y/N: Fuck you.

G.O.D/G.O.L: Very well.

The only thing Y/N could hear and see was the clock ticking.

Counting down to impending death.

To have no one and to finally find people to care for only to lose it is the worst fear anyone can have.

Y/N: Someone there?

Y/N: Help.....

???9: Y/N?

Dream end

Y/N wakes up to find Revy frowning but concerned at his well-being. He feels his hands shake before Revy grips them tightly.

Revy: *whisper* Nightmare?

Y/N: Yea. It's nothing really.

Revy: *yawn* Bullshit. I haven't seen you not get one in the past 7 days Y/N.

Y/N: No no it's-

Revy pulls Y/N in, burying his head into her breasts.

Revy: *yawn* Just sleep you big baby. We'll talk about this later.

Y/N: I-I guess.....

Later Timeskip

Y/N's friends are concerned about his well-being  yet their attempts to know what's wrong are met with quiet talk or silence. Days passed as time came closer to Salem's invasion.

Y/N wouldn't let this happen. He knows better than to let his friends into danger. Unknown to everyone he has been training his butt off every day to get as strong as he can.

He will have to do this alone. Y/N doesn't want to lose the only people that will ever care about him for a long time. Fate be damned if he is to die....he will protect what is close to him.


Y/N: 'Got everything ready, Ozpin gave me a 'mission,' and the letter is on the counter. Good.'

Y/N finishes writing his letter and places it onto the counter of the dorms as he then quietly sneaks out the door, avoiding the cameras and students as he made his way out the academy and into the emerald forest.

Y/N: Here we go.


Using the halo's powers after he touches it, Y/N levitates upward into the clouds and speeds off into the day.

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