Vol. Four Ch. Three: Suddenly Showing Up

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~Third Person~

Blake can be seen frowning as she leaned against the rails of a boat traveling along the wide open sea. Around her are other passengers enjoying the ride or just talking with one another. A couple of laughing children would rip her attention away from the blue sea as she stared at them with a bit of yearning. Although, she soon reached behind her self to pull out none other than (Y/N)'s SRS Pilot jump-kit. Although, heavily damaged alongside a large dent that cracked at the deepest point to actually provide a small window of the internal parts. Looking upon it, Blake would sigh out as she remembered the manner she obtained it...

-Vale, Post Titanfall-

Medics and doctors would rushing the now profusely bleeding (Y/N) into a tent that held a table that they laid him upon. The panic was truly something given how much blood he was losing even in a resting state. They had begin to remove every single bit of armor and clothing he had on him. A sight that horrified Blake up until a doctor practically threw his jump-kit out the tent in the heat of the moment. Causing it to land right outside the alleyway Blake stood in...She began to contemplate before grabbing it yet, she soon heard a familiar person. Weiss. Slipping back into the shadows, she would hear Weiss grow further yet, wasn't able to catch sight of her. Looking back at he the tent, medics now hauled (Y/N) body away towards the hospital in desperate haste as a high-pitched single beep was heard from a monitor...


Blake actually sniffled as she wiped a tear from her eyes as her bow lowered. She may not have agreed with the then Pilot and his methods but...She knew his heart was in the right place.

"Traveling alone?"

Blake would suddenly clutch the jump-kit under her arm as she took a stance with her free hand grasping at Gambol Shroud's pistol grip. Before her stood the Captain of the ship who immediately took a step back. Holding his hands up in a reassuring manner.

"Now, now, no threat here. Just here to chat..."

Blake took a moment to actually soften her pose as she slipped the jump-kit to its original spot on her lower back. Although, she was still suspicious as the Captain lowered his hands before leaning against the rails.

"Well, not many people travel by boat on their own. It can be quite a lonely voyage. But I found those that do tend to have the more... interesting stories..."

"Maybe...its just better for some people to be alone-"

Blake's fists would clench but, not in anger. More of a pained kind of mannerism. However, she was soon cut off when a child yelling was heard right behind her. Causing her to gasp and twist back around to see the children from before chasing one another as they ran by the two. This would cause the Captain to laugh out as he shifted his position so he was now leaning against the rails on one hand.

"Maybe! But, with your paranoia? I think a few friendly faces wouldn't hurt."

"Who says I'm paranoid...!?"

"No one, dear. No one. I'll leave you be."

The Captain would laugh out as Blake shot her arms to her side as she even whipped her head away from him with a glare. Further proving his point as he then turned to leave Blake be alone. However, he soon came to a small stop.

"But uh, fair warning, these trips can be awfully boring!"

Soon after, he turned to leave again as his soft steps rang out thanks to to the hardwood flooring of the deck. Pondering over his words, Blake stared at the water below before humming out as her hands lifted to her head. Undoing her bow, she would take on last glance at it before bidding it farewell.

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