Filler*: Together Again

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(Author-Kun here, this is was warning. This chapter will get mildly spicy in terms of citrus fruit when warned.)

~First Person~

"And then on top of that? The fuckin' thing had the audacity to try and destroy Apollo!"

Weiss couldn't help but give out a pretty nice laugh that had taken me a bit by surprise given her current state. She was bandaged pretty nicely, an IV syringe in her wrist and, despite her just wearing a blue tanktop, I could see a pretty decent wad of gauze on the side of her stomach as she laid in a hospital bed belonging to Mistral Sakura Hospital. Overall? She looked like shit, but I can't speak either given how I was currently getting tended to by a nurse who was pretty focused on some sutures.

After Weiss calmed down a bit, she would continue to giggle with a shake of her head.

"I can't lie. I'm a bit jealous. Would have loved to have one of those as a summon."

"Oh, trust me, you would rather not. I can still hear the screeches."

"Okay! And done. Now please stay away from fighting for at least a week."

Giving the nurse a small nod as a response as well as a thank you, she would soon leave me alone with Weiss as I watched her leave. Soon after, I turned towards Weiss with a smile as I had my helmet on my lap, but my mind kept on going back to the information given to me by Apollo, even if just a glimpse. Something Weiss had caught onto as she cocked her head with a worried expression.

"Is...everything alright?"

"Huh? Yeah. Yeah just...Back at Haven, I genuinely thought I was going to lose you like I did Athena, Pyrrha and Penny. Hell, even like...Mom...I thought I failed..."

It was partially the truth...Seeing Weiss in her current condition was more than enough to make me ponder about the possibility had she...had she not pulled through. She must have caught onto that given how she would stay silent for a moment before she giggled lightly. Making me cock an eyebrow as I looked back up towards her to see her fanning her hand for me to come closer as she smiled. Naturally, and almost a bit too on cue, I leaned forward as she then placed a hand on me cheek as I could feel my face heat up instantly...

"And yet, here I am...You're not the only reckless one around here, you know. So, I want you to lift up your head no matter what because, Ruby or not, you're with me. And that's all that matters."

Staying silent for a bit, I'd soon sniffle and smile as I put my hand over hers to grasp onto it lightly.

"Yeah...You're right-"

"I-I'm here-!"

Ruby had suddenly barged in through the hospital room door as Weiss and I naturally yelped out thanks to that ross petal jump-scare. Ruby was in her normal attire, but she now had an IV strapped into her arm whilst that same hand held onto an IV Stand. Looking at us, she went a bit wide eyed before I finally noticed Weiss and I were still holding onto each other's hands. Instantly, we dropped one another's as I shot my hands up to wave at Ruby wildly.

"R-Ruby! This isn't what it looks like-!"

"I-I know. You nearly lost Weiss too so, it's only natural that, y'know-"

" are with him. I'm not. We just grew comfortable because he needed to be soothed."

Ruby's eyes were glossy when she spoke yet, the smile she wore stung me to high hell before Weiss cut her off too. Explaining with a serious and calm tone that made Ruby realize her worriment was false before giving her a smile. One that made Ruby smile more genuinely before walking over to the two of us and then giving us both a hug that made Weiss give a strained groan while I chuckled with a shut of my eye.

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