Vol. Five Ch. Five: Helluvah Draft

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~Third Person~

"Mm! Hot!"

"Oh, be careful, dearie!"

Spry had just burnt his mouth lightly thanks to being a bit eager to drink coffee that Misses Belladonna had just made for the trio. However, both Blake and Sun wanted to be out the house early so, Spry was left alone with the Belladonna's for this breakfast.

"Thank you, Misses Kali. I've yet to find out how to return everything you've done for us."

"Oh hush, sweetie! Having Blake and her friends within my home is a reward in it of itself! Especially friends that wish to help her. However...I can't help but be curious about you."

As Kali put a platter of Menagerie style bread on ten table, which was bread with a sweet bean paste within it, she would address Spry with a smile. One that made him look at her with a bit of awe as he remembered his own, rather (Y/N)'s, mother. Causing him to pause for a moment before he cocked an eyebrow at her.

"How so?"

"Well, despite all that Blake has told me about your endeavors to end a war before it could start, she also said you were a bit more lively. Even with her~!"

A small giggle would be released by Kali as the prospect that Blake was surrounded by not one, but two anti-Blakes was too amusing. Naturally, Spry would chuckle as well as he grasped one bread into his hand. He was going to bite into when an idea entered his mind before he dipped the edge of the bread into his coffee. Letting it sit no more than for a second before biting the soaked piece with a smile.

"Well...I like to believe its because of them, the girls. When I arrived here, I had sacrificed my very life. So arriving here and meeting them? It was like a new chance was given to me...! Now, I'm simply aiding Blake in her mission so that way you all can rest more easily knowing some civil war between faunus won't break out."

Saying this whole heartedly, Spry would gain a soft yet, thankful smile from Kali as he dunked the bread again. After a few moments, he finished the bread and drank the rest of the coffee before standing up.

"Thank you, Misses Kali."

"No. No. Thank you. Now, hurry on up before they decided to leave without you~!"

With a nod and smile, Spry would give Kali a small bow before jogging on out the kitchen of the home with a small jump. Kali could only watch on in silent amusement as she put a hand over her mouth.


"Okay...! Are you ready...?"

"I beat up monsters and robots, more than once! I think I can handle a few signatures~!"

"I agree with Sun. Given our current track record? This should go well."

The trio of Menagerie had made their way out from the manor and stopped on the bottom half of the steps. Blake was obviously nervous given how she turned to the two boys whilst grasping onto her scroll with both hands. Sun enthusiasm was unmatched as he extended his scroll to show the full size of this petition they planned to fill out. As for Spry? He would hop down the steps with his jump-kit activating lightly as he held a regular clipboard that had a pen strapped to it. With the enthusiastic attitude of the boys, Blake's face gained a rather small yet, hopeful smile...

Sadly, the next couple of hours was anything but hopeful as Blake had gone to the residential main street of Menagerie. At first, she had the attention of every faunus yet, they would simply stand around in a nervous manner. Leaving to stand alone with a surprised face that no one was approaching her to sign the form to help Haven Academy.

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