Vol. Six Ch. One: Train Ride Boogaloo

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~ First Person~

I stared at my hands as I flexed them a bit when I suddenly saw them sort of mirage into a four different colors. Red, Blue, Purple and Yellow. Blinking away the daze, I would just see my regular hands that gave off a prismatic shimmer that made me chuckle.

"Protocol Two: Uphold the Mission. Get to Atlas."

"Y'know, I still can't get over the fact that there was three more of you running around. Makes me wonder what they were up to with-"


Heh. Classic Nora. She sat across from me in the booth we were currently in with Oscar and Ren next to her, with the former being constantly pestered by Nora's Little Boy Ozpin jokes. Next to me was Jaune, who watched my hands with a bit of awe as he went to poke my hand. Deciding to play a prank on him with a shit-eating grin, I would activate my shimmering aura as soon as his finger made contact with my hand. Making him jump pretty heavily as I then began to snicker, causing him to blink before groaning out.

"Well! I can attest to the fact they did nothing at all!"

Which was a lie...Goddamnit, Vigor. Now I'm gonna have an awkward image of her in the back of my mind. Poking up at the worst of times. However, before my mind could play a prank on me, I felt a hand get placed on my shoulder. Followed by a set of arms wrapping around my neck in a cozy hug that made me smile.

"They better not have."

"Hey hey! The next car over is watching a movie with the kids. Wanna come?"

I didn't need to see Weiss's face to know that she gave Ruby an unimpressed semi-glare since I saw Nora's face instantly shift into boredom. Even Ren knew where Ruby was going with this because he would give a small chuckle into his hand as Jaune shimmied away from me.

"Ruby? Cookie dough-"


"I swear if it's like the movie we saw in Mistral, I will personally tie you to a chair until we get to Argus."

Right away, I felt Ruby's arms tighten a bit around my neck, in what I assume was her trying to plead with me. Yet if I didn't know any better, I'd say she's basically holding me hostage. Finally deciding to turn around to face her, I was met with Ruby smiling brightly at me as Weiss held a softer one. One that grew lightly as Weiss then gave a small head nod that showed she was going to be in on the "fun" too. So, I simply let out a sigh before standing up in time to hear Ruby let out a triumphant squeal as Weiss giggled into her hand. Turning to Jaune, Nora, Oscar and Ren, I'd give them a two-finger salute.

"Welp! See you all in an hour and a half. Three if I fall asleep-"

Before I could properly finish my sentence, there came a large crash, shake of the train, screams from the other room and a roar that sounded different. Without a shared word or even glance, the girls and I were first to dash towards to the door with me shoulder bashing it open to reveal a group of kids, a couple of mothers and a Manticore that just roared out...into the face of a small fair-skinned little boy wearing a comfy puffed up red jacket, black pants and snow-boots. Eager to arrive, eh, kid?

Even with us barging into the place, that Manticore was fixated on the boy as it lunged its head down with its maw wide open.


I didn't need to say anything else as both Ruby and I dashed forward with her using her little rose tornado-thing whilst I boosted forward with a Titan Dash. Appearing in between both kid and Manticore, I had caught the thing's jaws right as it lunged down and in time to hold it open to. Bleugh. This is some fucked up form of a circus trick! With grit teeth and a growl from both of us, I soon was met with the Manticore's danger noodle of a tail peeking around the back of its head. It's mouth was wide agape with a hiss before shooting forward to get a cheap bite in on me. However, a shimmering, lightly rotating light blue glyph materialized right in front of it in time for it to face-plant right into said glyph. At the corner of my eye, I could see Weiss pointing Myrtenaster up as I gained a small grin.

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