Vol. Five Ch. One: Welcome Party

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~First Person~


Blake would stand up with a glare as her cat ears folded inward to show her anger and frustration. Next to her was Sun, who was bandaged up quite heavily after having been pierced. In fromt of her were her parents as a scroll containing White Fang documents laid on the table next to Spry's jump-kit.

"We aren't going to destroy the White Fang...We're going to take it back."

The determination in Blake's voice was...uncanny given how she had legitimately resolve for once since her appearance at Beacon Academy. This cat was seriously pissed but, before they could start? Spry's jump-kit would suddenly light up back to life before a bright shimmer engulfed the room. Causing everyone to yelp out and cover their faces yet, when it died down? Blake was first to remove her hand from her face before going wide-eyed.

On the table, was now Spry laid out on his back as he wore an expression that could only be described as "wtf!?" An expression that everyone soon wore as well...


"I-I...I'm not...(Y/N)...And...why did that IMC Pilot refer to you as Catswell...?"

Now all were confused with cocked eyebrows as Spry sat up from the table. His question though was enough to cause the mood in the room to become a bit heavy.


"The City of Mistral..."

"Ugh! It's about time!"

"I was actually beginning to like that field hospital...even if it was just a tent..."

The hallway the group walked through was completely stone and very much old as given away by the fact it was lit up purely by lanterns. Also the numerous full leafed vines crawling along the corners of the hall. The air was even damp and cool with some stones still being lightly shining with water dew.

"Whose idea was it to walk again~?!"

"Well...we did face many obstacles. Broken airships, destroyed settlements!"

"Oh and all those people, monsters, robot dads who tried to murder us!"


As Qrow led JNRR and their honorary extraterrestrial friend, (Y/N), through the tunnel, the little banter would cause him to whip his gead towards Jaune. Who would give a cheeky grin that made (Y/N) just glare at his blonde bestfriend. Ruby, who was holding onto (Y/N)'s right hand with their fingers intertwined, couldn't help but chortle before waving the worriment away.

"We were fine! Only three of us almost died!"


Ruby's little comment would earn her a growl from her boyfriend as he was quick to correct her and her uncle looking to her with a small "hey!". Causing her to sheepishly chuckle as Nora couldn't help but lean forward and playfully glare at Ren, who repeated the same line as Qrow in the same tone as well. Leading to Nora to giggle as (Y/N) shook his head with a playful roll of his eyes as he gave Ruby's hand a gentle squeeze. Ruby couldn't help but have her eyes go wide a bit as well as a bit of red to form on her cheeks as it was now (Y/N)'s turn to chortle. Soon, Jaune would speak up with a curious smile as they continued through the tunnel.

"So, how much farther until Haven Academy?"

"Not much. Just thought I'd take ya kids on the scenic route."

The curiosity was peaked as they approached what was a set of large wooden doors that Qrow would soon push forward. A push that led to (Y/N) having to shield his eyes as light began to flood into the tunnel. In hindsight, it was the best thing given how Ruby would soon jog up to a wooden rail that overlooked what was the most beautiful sight since their journey to Mistral. The awe apparent on their faces as it was revealed the view was Mistral's valley architecture.

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