Vol. Six Ch. Nine: Upholding the Mission

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~Third Person~

Haytham had returned to that little basement that he had been using as a sort of camp with Baker. Same one that had a dry puddle of blood that made him growl out softly in his mechanized little tone. Yet upon further inspection? His little Heads Up Display vision created a circle of white that locked into something nearby on a table. A note.

Approaching the piece of paper? He read it out loud after picking it up. 

"'Pathethic...Fuck you, Baker.'"

He soon growled out more audibly before looking to his own weapon on a nearby table.

"Fine. So be it."

~First Person~



I made it back to the house, and immediately left with Jaune, Nora, Ren and Saphron in search of Oscar. Apparently after I left, the girls went out to grab a bite minus Ruby, who stayed with Maria, whilst the others were upstairs. In that time frame, Oscar went MIA. Also, I didn't tell anyone on meeting Dad...

That interaction was weird. Not the first time he showed up to be a herald of the ass-kicking, specifically mine, to come. But the energy this time was like...he unwillingly was all sappy. You know, standing on the ledge and shit...I promised to mom I would save him. He's in there somewhere- I know he is!


"The city's enormous! He could've gone anywhere..."

"This is all my fault...I overreacted...!"

I...bit my tongue.

"I still don't understand what happened...! Was it about the mission?"

"It's...kind of hard to talk about-"

"I know, I know...Top Secret...Did he do something wrong?"

I really bit my tongue. It really wasn't, Nora. Hell, I came up with twelve different half-truths. Oh, Saphron. You have it so easy...Kind of a shame we're here. Don't know how long that'll last...

Before that thought could run sour? Jaune spoke.

"No. He didn't. We just got some new information. A-And it's going to be a lot harder than we thought..."

"I mean, if it was easy, then it wouldn't be important. Right?"

"I think we're all just a bit unsure on what to do."

You know, now looking around? I could totally dig living in Argus. Sure, it's snowy right now. But it's, what? Mid-February? Gah. I don't even know anymore, but even like that, the place is nice. And I saw Weiss eyeing the streets too...wait-

"You could...stay in Mistral, get your licenses at Haven! A-And come back to Argus! There's a lot of good you could do here-"

"No can do."

Coming to a full stop? The others looked to me as they stopped too. Saphron now looked more confused than anything.


"We're biting our tongue on a lot things. For the safety of a whole lotta people...But what I can say? Is that it's IMPORTANT important. We can't stop- even with all the issues."

I directed that last comment to JNR. Who gave me mixed looks. But looking back to Saphron.

"So...excuse me if this comes off wrong, but turning tail? Never. I will keep fighting. I will keep pushing...I will keep adapting. All the way...until the bitter end."

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