Vol. Five Finale: Whole Again

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~Third Person~

As (Y/N) kept Shallow Horkos trained forward, Haytham's Meaningless Oath was soon moved as if he were a Ronin Titan ready to unleash an arc wave. Down below, the infighting between faunus continued as one of the airships soon scanned a light towards the two of them as it grew closer. Sparing a moment to look at the ship, (Y/N) was met by Araki's surprised expression before one of shock

"Look out!"

Suddenly, (Y/N) whipped right back to Haytham in time to block an upwards slash that, despite being fully blocked, made him lose his footing on the ridge. (Y/N) would find it hard to regain his footing once again as one foot was raised half a foot above the wooden ridge. However, he was quickly forced to recover and stomp his foot backwards as he held his blade diagonally as him and Haytham soon joined into a blade-lock. Shallow Horkos and Meaningless Oath both let out small screeches as the metals head were evenly matched for one another. Causing sparks to fly out from between the blades due to every millimeter of metal rubbing against one another.

It was obvious (Y/N) was having trouble against his father's mechanical advantage given how he was gritting his teeth tightly. Growling out softly as Haytham's LED strip stared right into (E/C) eyes before Haytham suddenly leapt backwards. The sudden shift in forces made (Y/N) stumble forward with a yell given how he found himself looking straight down. Yet he quickly fixed this issue by stomping a foot forward as he held his arms out to balance himself.

Hearing the rapid pace of steps approaching him, he was forced to whip his body so his feet were side to side opposed to one in front of the other. Sliding his blade over his head and shoulders so it was behind his back as Haytham's blade had gone for a sort of left to right swing. The blade would slam against the broadside of Shallow Horkos as the force made (Y/N) jolt forward a bit. Yet Haytham soon whipped Meaningless Oath right back around with a step back then forward as his swing was now the opposite of before, a right to left swing. (Y/N) was able to simply bring his blade forward and clash blades with a heavy metallic slam.

(Y/N) soon brought his foot back so he was face to face with Haytham as the latter was already on the attack. Bringing down Meaningless Oath in a diagonal top right to bottom left, Haytham was eerily silent unlike the other times they had faced off. (Y/N) blocked that swing with his own by going in the opposite bottom left to top right direction with Shallow Horkos. Sparks flying off the blade yet again upon striking one another before Haytham suddenly began to swing Meaningless Oath wildly in the same direction he had just done. Each swing being blocked by (Y/N)'s Shallow Horkos as he grit his teeth due to each swing growing in strength larger than the one before.

Now causing him to stagger lightly, (Y/N) began to take small steps backwards to try and ease the pressure yet, it was obvious Haytham was pushing him towards the edge. Even parrying Haytham's attacks were out of the question as each attack happened to quickly that there was no proper time to press forward. However, gunfire soon began to fly by Haytham as he immediately jumped back whilst holding Meaningless Oath with the broadside of the blade held out. Blocking the incoming fire as (Y/N) looked over to see it was Araki firing down at Haytham.

Now given the chance to go on the offensive, (Y/N) dashed forward with a small set of wobbling that eased up the more he ran. He soon sent a twirling slash at Haytham after having jumped towards the simulacrum as well as Araki holding back his fire. Haytham had no issue blocking the attack but the fact he was now having to defend himself against a one-v-two scenario had irked him tremendously. Haytham soon blocked a downwards slash by holding his blade straight up with one hand on the hilt and the other pressing upwards on the upper back of his broadsword. Now with the opportunity, he would kick (Y/N) backwards with a straight kick to the stomach. Causing (Y/N) to yell out and stumble backwards before Araki began to fire once again. This time, Haytham had no issue blocking the raining lead before sudden pressing down a trigger near the hilt as Haytham's blade let out a hiss of air. One that shook (Y/N) as he recovered due knowing exactly what it was.

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