Filler*: Finally

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~First Person~

"We'll be back in a while!"

"Hey, Yellow? I'll make sure to stop by the pharmacy for that butt cream you asked for."

I purposefully made sure the house could hear me as Ruby and I left through the front door. Leading to a loud protesting "hey" from Jaune as well as some over the top laughter from Nora. Right now, I was going to finally take Ruby out on that date I promised her a while back. However, it was bit of an errand run too given how we had to pick up the orders of ammunition and other supplies for the trip to Argus. I know we're taking a train, but given our track record?

Before that nightmare could even be stirred, I'd jump lightly upon feeling Ruby suddenly grasp and hug my arm. Looking down at her, she was smiling brightly as she looked forward before turning up towards me with that same smile. With my free hand, I'd reach up and ruffle her hair lightly as we were now walking up Mistral's Main Street. The same one that led up towards Haven Academy's Main Entrance. Yet we weren't going to Haven. As I said, this was going to a long awaited date.

"Think you can take me back to Hitachi-?"

"Best I can do is that bakery-"


Without warning, Ruby would grasp my hand even harder before pulling me into her arms. What came next was a weird feeling when she, as well as myself, burst into a flurry of rose petals, all in a variety of colors. I...feel many different ways about this...


"I feel violated..."

"E-Eheh...sorry. I got too excited."

Ruby sheepishly rubbed the back of her head as I held a hand over my stomach thanks to the sudden pull of Gs on my being. Yeah, I definitely need a bit more lead plating than right now. Right now, we were walking through main street Mistral. Y'know, the one that leads all the way up towards the gates of Haven? It was a lot more busier than anticipated given the faunus accompanied in Blake's little uprising. Which actually was a bad thing at the moment since some people began to notice who I was.

"Look! It's the boy that was with the Belladonna's girl!"

Right away, a few of the faunus began to approach me and Ruby, but more me than anything given how they were actively pushing Ruby away. Making her yelp out as I tried to reach out to her, only to have my hand get grabbed by a female wolf faunus. Now I could tell she was a wolf faunus thanks to the ears on her head and her black and grey colored hair that was really bushy. She simply stared at me with a sense of awe that made me freeze up as more faunus began to surround me. All singing their praises, thank you and overall just wanting me to acknowledge them.

"You're the guy who helped us in Haven! You deserve so much! Are you free at the moment~?"

I couldn't help but do a dry spit-take off to the side as I was completely blindsided by that question and the immediate flip in attitude as she now gave me a hungry pair of eyes. If I didn't know any better, I'd legit say that she was hungry in every single definition of the word. I soon recovered quickly so I can get a hold of the situation as well as Ruby before she could get emotionally hurt-

I went cold when I saw Ruby smiling behind the girl. A presence that the wolf gal must have noticed right away since she began to shake just like myself as there appeared to be a veeeery dark mist behind Ruby of pure malicious intent. Almost instantly, the wolf girl had her hand down in her pockets as she wore a sheepish little smile.

"We-Well! Big ups to you! Keep the good fight! Bye!"

She would soon dashed off with a trail of cartoonish dust replacing her lowering half as Ruby's presence may have caused a chain reaction. Why, you ask? Well, there was now nobody around us as if my presence was never here to begin with. Ruby would soon snap me out my trance after I looked around a bit by grasping my hand by hugging it rather tightly before beginning to walk down the street once again.

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