Vol. Four Ch. Twelve: Survival

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~First Person~

"Aw! Fuck! Me!"

The group and I had just opened fire on that damn thing yet, we were all soon knocked backwards with Ruby and Jaune skidding against the ground, Ren recovering with a few hand springs as well as Nora tumbling onto ground. As for me? I was sent tumbling backwards too like a human tumbleweed. Stabbing my blade into the ground, it would tear at the blocks and ground beneath me as I finally came to a stop. Some dust from a ruined building was covering the view yet, we could tell when it was walking up towards us given away by the red glowing accents along its mask. Hell, it even looked like steam was coming off it as the "rider" was slouched over. Looking over at Ren? His face became filled with pure anger and hate.

It's hoofs clacking out as it suddenly came to a stop as it's low hanging arm twitched with cracks of bones ringing out. Suddenly, it would begin to twitch more violently as it sudden sat upright to screech at the clouds above as its screech actually acted as a disorientation effect. A shockwave expanding outwards as we all hunkered down to not be sent flying like before.

When it stopped, it moaned out in pain before twitching forward with more snaps and dislocations. Turning to look at us, it seemed to twist and cock its head before turning towards Qrow who was slumped up against the tree we had discovered.

A gaze that Jaune followed before groaning out after sheathing his blade before dashing over to Qrow. Mid run though, the Demon Horseback reeled its "normal" arm back before shooting it forward as it stretched out towards Jaune as I ran in. Blocking the grab or whatever the hell it was as I skid backwards pretty heavily as Jaune arrived at Qrow. Picking up and slinging the old man's arm over his shoulders and grabbing his side. However, I didn't expect the damn thing to just straight grab my broadsword before tossing me away as I yelled out.

Spinning in the air, I tried my best to catch my shift myself so I could land properly but, I soon came to a sudden stop as I felt some arms wrap around me. Yet there also came a heavy set of thuds since whoever caught me was smaller. I'd give my head a shake after hitting a wall with the figure letting out a small yelp. Looking at the source, I saw Ruby rubbing her back as sat up onto her hands and knees. Looking over at me with a small smile with one closed.

"I-I didn't account for how heavy you were..."

"First, I am not that heavy! Second...! Thanks."

Giving her a smile, she would gain a giddy one before we sprang up onto our feet and dashed forward in time to see Ren place a hand on the ground as the Giant Enemy Grimm charged at Jaune and Qrow. His arm glowing a pink aura as Jaune and Qrow suddenly greyed out. Literally like all color faded from them as I cocked an eyebrow yet, the real shocker came when the Grimm skid to a stop. Looking almost confused as Jaune was shocked at how much of a close call it was.

"Just get him to safety!"

~Third Person~

As the Nuckelavee just stood there, Jaune ran off with Qrow as Nora raised up her Rotary Grenade Launcher. Pelting the thing with small explosions as it soon stumbled before screeching out and charging at the four. Nora and (Y/N) began to pelt the Nuckelavee with gunfire as it charged whilst Ruby as well as Ren ran off to their respective sides before Nora shifted Magnhild into its hammer. Swinging at her Ex-Pilot friend, he would block her swing with his Kraber turning into its Broadsword. Sending him towards Ruby as Nora quickly shot away with a press of a button. Causing Magnhild to shoot herself away as the Nuckelavee crashed into the building that was behind them.

Meanwhile, Jaune would finish slipping behind a ruined home as he laid Qrow down against the wooden foundation. In the background, gunfire from Ruby, Ren, Nora and (Y/N) could be heard with the occasional screech from the Nuckelavee. Right as Jaune turned to leave, he stopped for a moment to put second thought into leaving the Old Crow there. Regardless, he turned to go aid the others in their fight. But, Qrow's hand would shoot up and grasp the blonde boy's hand as he whipped around to face Qrow. Who was looking at him with a glare that spoke one sentence. Make it out alive. With that, his expression soon went limp just like himself before Jaune hurriedly ran off to help with a determined scowl.

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