*Filler: Sober It

610 23 1

~First Person~

"Existence is pain and I now wait for the sweet dark angel known as Death to take me away from this mortal realm."

"Wow...you are a light weight..."

I laid on the couch opposite to the one Qrow had crashed on earlier in the night as I had a headache relatable to the one I had when I first arrived on Remnant. Y'know, the Tone Titan Spitfire Specialist Kit. Regardless, I had my arm over my head as I now wished I had died with Athena.

Meanwhile, Qrow was getting the list ready as the others were now fully asleep, minus Oscar because he said he had to talk with Ozpin. Though, the entire fiasco from earlier had left everyone a bit shaken and still heavily confused. The only reason I hadn't shared that confusion is because I witnessed it thrice before Ozpin showed RNJR, I come from a different galaxy and the copious amount of alcohol I had to fill me with liquid gullibility.

"Qrow...? How is it that your liver is still alive after being poisoned?"

"The trick lies all with the beverage, Kid. Chose one and stuck to it. Unlike you, that was probably the first time you drank in...?"

"Nine months."

"My point exactly. Besides..."

Trying my very best not to curse this old bird out, I then began to ponder for a bit before sitting up with a glare. One that he simply chuckled away.

"...the alcohol in your blood killed off some of the poison from Tyrian, didn't it?"

"I can't disclose that information-"

"Like hell, you can't!"

Yelping out due to suddenly sitting up and yelling at Qrow, I grip my head with both hands as he chuckled before we both jumped upon hearing somebody clear their throat. Looking at the source, our eyes went wide when we both were met with a less than impressed Ruby in her pajamas she wore before we left Patch. Y'know the rose themed ones? Cute but, given the fact she was pissed, yeah, less cute...just a bit.

"O-Oh hey, Ruby! Y'know, I'm feeling a lot better now! Right, Qrow-? Qrow...?"

Looking at where he just was, there was just the feather of a crow floating down as I then heard the caws of a crow...

"...Oh you rat bastard..."

Saying that under my breath, I then saw Ruby walk off towards the kitchen as I looked for a way to get out of this like Qrow. Yet, Qrow was manufactured without preset perimeters so, that meant I was stuck where I was. He was also of the avian variety so double the difference. But Ruby soon came back holding a mug of water and an ice cube in her hand that she danced in her hand.

Stopping in front of me, she held out the mug as I took it without second thought and then she suddenly-

"Ah! R-Ruby!?"

"Hold still!"

In the next second, the mug was on the nearby tilting coffee table as Ruby was now grabbing my by the collar of my ruined sweater. Pinning me to the couch as she tried to shove the ice cube down into it. Forcing me to yelp out even more as I tried my damndest to resist when Ruby pulled a cheap move by putting her knee against leg. Making me yelp out before she finally dropped the damn thing into my sweater.

I could feel it hit my chest and begin to melt as Ruby made sure it stayed that way as I accepted defeat...Wow. I am in need of some combat...Although, I also felt a bit more awake now with the headache still present but, now more lax than before so...win? Wasn't but a few moments later when she stood up and retrieved the mug of water before plopping herself down next to me as I sat up.  Offering me the mug, I was a bit hesitant.

"That was the only ice I grabbed."

"How do I know you aren't luring me into a false sense of security-?"

Suddenly, Ruby would lean up and peck my on the cheek as I froze up with red creeping up onto my face. Ruby, after letting out a giggle, forced the cup into my hands as she then rested her head against my shoulder with a soft yawn.

"Couldn't sleep, ey?"

"A bit...Also because of Nora's snoring."

Giving Ruby a small chortle, I would drink from the mug as she got a bit more comfy next to me. Making me wrap and arm around her shoulder to pull her a bit closer into my side as I felt her smile.

"Y'know, we haven't gone on a date since we arrived."

"There hasn't been a chance...I thought Huntsman work was gonna be a bit more..."


Ruby would just respond with a small whine as I chuckled before gaining a small idea as I leaned down. Pecking the top of her head, she would giggle out as I took another sip from the mug of water.

"Sorry for being a drunk..."

"Don't be. Sorta understand it when your Headmaster suddenly speaks to you through the body of a small farm boy...think I can get a drink-?"


Bouncing Ruby's head off my side to scold her, she would groan and tilt off to the side before falling over. Now laying down on the couch as I decided to kick my legs ups too with Ruby's placing hers over mine.

"Do you ever miss home...?"

"Home as in the Frontier or Angel Shitty?"

"Pfft! Either or!"

Hearing Ruby chortle, I couldn't help but do the same as I thought for a moment or two. I...honestly wasn't missing Frontier life as much as I thought I would be. I mean, sure I missed some stuff like the 6-4, the ACEs and the Marauder Corps...Mama Briggs...But I honestly thought to now as I swirled the water in my mug via shaking it lightly.

"Sometimes...Sometimes I go to sleep and fully expect to wake up on the MCS James MacAllan. But, I also accept waking up here because, well...this is home now. Sometimes I walk around and I feel like I'm part of this world. I know I'm not but, maybe it's just my brain telling me to keep on my feet. Because I want to protect you guys..."

Looking at Ruby, she was looking at me with a smile before she sat up and laid right back down but, so that way she was laying on top of me. Placing her head on my chest as I gently rubbed the top of her head. Almost instantly, her body grew heavy as she probably was on the verge of sleeping.

"By the way, the liquid gullibility is just temporary. I'll probably wake up tomorrow and freak out."

"Yeah, I expect that, to be honest."

With a giggle from Ruby, she grew even more heavier as I lightly places the empty mug of water down onto the floor with one hand. Wrapping my arms around Ruby, I would notice her smile as she closed her eyes. Soon after, I did too.


"Hah! Little Cute Boy Ozpin!"

Nora and I were singy song-ing Oscar's new nickname as he whined lightly as he shrunk into the chair he claimed. The same one that he fell out of upon Ozpin handing over the controls. We were even dancing around him as Ruby and the others just stood by with sweat-drop expressions as Oscar had the face of a hurt puppy. Qrow soon walking in as he blinked with a blank poker face before he locked eyes with Ruby and, despite the current volume me and Nora were making?

"He's never drinking with you ever again..."


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