Vol. Five Ch. Seven: Catching Up

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~First Person~

Jaune had just finished bringing over the hot-pot of ramen as everybody that just arrived were all speaking together. I honestly couldn't really even keep up with the commotion even with my Pilot training being used and it felt nice. For the most part. Seeing everyone smile and have fun, together, it just felt like we were at the lunch table back at Beacon. Overall? It was nice. Jaune would give a small chuckle as Yang soon spoke to him from the end of the table after he served himself some ramen.

"How do you lose your map at a time like that?!"

"Believe me! I've asked myself the same thing ever since..."

"Give the guy a break, Yang. After all, it's a bi—ig responsibility~!"

Yang and Weiss would burst out into laughter as Jaune gave a sheepish chuckle that made me snicker lightly before I locked eyes with Weiss. Something that caused her to smile lightly at me as I did the same but, I then saw Ruby's eyes at the corner of my eyes. Looking at her, she would resume to smiling at no one in specific but, I knew what she was thinking. Giving her a smile of my own as Nora spoke out next to me towards Jaune.

"Hey! But you made up for it, Mister Muscles! You shoulda seen this guy take a giant Grimm head on!"

"I couldn't have done it without Ruby wearing it down!"

Nora would hold up her hands in a clawed fashion before Jaune spoke in a humble kind of tone. Ruby perking up as she pointed at Ren with a pork belly slice in between her chops sticks.

"Uh-Me? Did you see Ren during that fight!? He was out of control!"

"I'm sorry. I may have lost my temper momentarily..."

"No, no! Out of control as in 'awesome!'"

"Ooooh...! Thank you."

Ren's meek nature caught up to him as we all collectively remembered him actually losing control. Y'know, when he charged the Nuckelavee head on? Only to end up getting pinned by it? Yeah. Good times~! But as the table roared out into laughter, I would slurp up some ramen into my mouth before speaking up with a semi-full mouth.

"Oi! The real one that last control was this one! Falling out of an airship then taking on a possessed Ronin titan alone? Sheesh!"

"H-Hey! I would have taken it on without issue...! If it wasn't for my sprained ankle..."

Ruby would try to defend himself fully up until she remembered the reason why I had to put it all on the line. Her finger dropping slowly as we all burst out into laughter yet again.


Now the pot was about half way done as the laughter continued. However, now we were interrogating Weiss as she had her face in her hands as Ruby yelled out. Next to her, Yang held some ramen in her chopsticks as Jaune was loudly slurping up some into his mouth.

"You did not!"

"Yeah...! Right in the middle of the party..."

Cocking her head in a curious fashion, Yang spoke out as Weiss looked up from her hands.

"Please, tell me you let the lady have it!"

"Of course not...! Even if I did really want to...."

"Now way. I don't believe it!"

Nora soon furrowed her eyebrows as she skeptical of the entire thing. Crossing her arms over her chest as she shut her eyes with her face pointed up in the air. Only thing was, the table would go silent as I simply snickered out thanks to Opulence's memories now being part of my own. With a blue shimmer, a white, blue and red Boarbatusk would now be looming over Nora. Feeling the presence behind her, Nora would slowly peer over before the thing let out a small growl. Causing Nora to yelp out as she fell over with a loud thud as we began to laugh out. I, myself, just chuckled with a roll of my eyes.

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