Vol. Six Ch. Five: Cold Shoulder

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~Third Person~

A set of weakened coughs rang out in a dark and dank cellar as a single light bulb hung from the ceiling. Soon, a heavy punch rang out with a deep grunt and tired groan. At the center of the room? Stood Baker, gently patting down her knuckles to clean them of blood. The source? A police officer bound to a chair, heavily bloodied at the face with a swollen eyes and puffed up cheek from being hit repeatedly.

And not to far away? Haytham watching with his arms crossed. Baker would seen pop her knuckles before turning and reeling her hand back as if to throw another punch. Instead, Haytham spoke out just as she was about to. Leading to her stopping.

"Absolutely nothing? I fail to believe that when an entire train lost half its cars and eight passengers are missing."


The police officer had a hard time speaking, much to Haytham's annoyance as he sighed out heavily.

"Take your time..."

"I...heard...they detached th-the train cars t-to save the others..."

Hearing this? Haytham stood at attention as he approached the officer with his data-knife being drawn. This made the officer begin to huff out as he began to hyperventilate.

"So...they're missing?"

"Y-Yes-? No-?! I d-don't know! P-Please, that's all I know! Th-They only interviewed a group of three ex-Beacon students! Please!!"

The Officer's panicking amused Baker as she let out a giggle as she was glad to be back in action. Looking to Haytham? He remained unmoving as his grip tightened on the knife's hilt yet...it soon loosened as he then sheathed the blade into its sheath upon his chest. Turning and beginning to leave the cellar.

"Free him-"

"What!? You can't be serious! He's going to rattle us off to the others! If our cover is blown-!"

"Do you want to deal with a dead cop? Because I sure as hell won't. So, free him."

Baker was in complete shock...She knew Haytham had softened up- but this? This was more worse than she could've ever imagined. But even like that, she would free the cop, cutting away at his binds.

"Th-Thank you! I w-won't say a single word-!"

Suddenly, a suppressed pop from a pistol hit the man behind his head. Sending him forward as Baker held a smoking suppressed RE-45 that she lowered with a scowl.

"You sure as hell won't..."


The snow became worse. FAR worse. Now the group could barely see ten feet ahead of themselves as the ranch had become engulfed by a snow storm. It was...eerie to say the least. An eeriness that Ruby commented on.

"I don't get it...The empty towns I passed through were all abandoned o-or unfinished...but this place is just fine...!"

Weiss hugged herself as her hair and scarf blew in the wind as the group now stood on the porch of the home.

"M-Maybe everyone left in a h-hurry, before things took a turn...?"

"Maybe...but there would still be something...It's like if it just...wasn't touched..."

The Pilot looked ahead with Weiss as he squinted his eyes with his Kraber at the ready. Something that made Weiss take a step back so she wouldn't be in the way. Qrow just about had enough of the snow as he grasped the door knob and gave it a rattle. It was locked.

"Hmm...Stay on guard..."

"Right behind you."

With that? The Pilot drew his Wingman instead as the others drew their respective weapons as well. Soon after, the door to the home was kicked in by Qrow with (Y/N) right behind him checking another angle before Ruby, Blake, Yang and Oscar slipped in expecting a fight.

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