Vol. Six Ch. Ten: Hoodwinked

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~Third Person~

Daylight in Argus. The city was busy. And so was the Atlesian coastal base as guards stood on watch or on patrol in those horrid uniforms.

"Ah~ I was relieved to hear you had come to your senses, Miss Schnee!"

Down on the main road, walked Cordovin with Weiss as she held a large suitcase whilst Saphron holding Adrian in her arms followed. Behind them? The two gate guards who have been giving all them trouble and a visit to the pharmacy to buy pain medication for being a pain in their-

"Many of us were devastated when we heard you would be attending...Beacon Academy. Knowing that you'll be returning to Atlas just warms my old heart~!"

"It was time to get my act together...! G-Go back to my roots."

The disdain in Cordovin's coice was telling of her character. And even with that, Weiss showed restraint. Though not without a little bit of struggle. Only natural.

"Oh, I can't wait to see you follow in your sister's footsteps!"


Weiss gave a tremendously forced smile as she tensed and even rolled her eyes.

"I'm sending two of my best guards to personally escort you! Make sure General Ironwood hears that part~"

Soon, Cordovin turned and began marching off after giving Weiss a wink. Before Cordovin could even fully march off? One of the guard would march up to Weiss and pick up the case from one end.

"Allow me to assist you with your bag..! My! What a heavy bag!"

"Th-That's alright!"


Weiss would hold on and try to tug the suitcase back. Causing the second guard to hup forward and grab onto it too.

"Allow me to assist as well!"

"I can take care of it myself!"

The two would heave out as they struggled to really take the bag from Weiss as Cordovin stopped to listen in mild skepticism. One that made Saphron blink before turning to Adrian with a whisper.

"Just like we planned!"

Adrian would nod to his mother before taking a deep breath and soon letting out a deep wail that traveled throughout the base in a rather...unnatural manner. One that caught the attention of the guards as he continued to cry and flail his around in his mother's arms.

"Oh no! Look at that, he's just going to miss you so much! You should hurry on out of here!"

"A crying child!?"

"We must console it!"

Despite Saphron fake tone, the guards hupped over to Saphron before and begin a barrage of funny faces and poses. Enough so that Cordovin rolled her eyes and began forward again as Weiss was in the clear to sneak up the ramp with her suitcase.

"That was close..."

"Is everything okay?"

Ruby's voice could be heard in Weiss's ear before the suitcase she held began to shake a bit.

"Call me heavy! It's all muscles! I'll show you a thing or two about heavy-!"

"We're on board."

Maria was hidden within the suitcase, which is why it was so...dense. Sliding her hand to her ear? Weiss spoke out before Ruby could be seen in a set of woods with her finger to her ear and a determined smile.

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