Vol. Five Ch. Eight: Has to be This Way

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~Third Person~

After last night's debacle with, well, where to even begin? (Y/N) had turned himself into his bed far earlier than normal. Right now, the dun was beginning to peer through the window of his room, well, the boy's room. In one bed closest to the farthest right wall of the room was (Y/N)'s bed, next to his was Oscar's, to the most right wall of the room was Jaune and then Ren's right next to his. As for Qrow? Well he spent most of his time on the couch.

But as the young now three-quarters of a Pilot continued to snore away? Ren and Oscar were already fully dressed and tending to their beds as Jaune had just finished his own. The blonde male soon walked over to (Y/N) bedside and began to shake the young man quite heavily. Only being responded with a small groan as he tried to cover his face.

"Come on, man! Wake up!"

"Mmmm. No. Let me just sleep..."

"Jaune? You're going to have to be more...forward."

(Y/N) simply groaned and spoke in his morning voice as he even wrapped the blankets completely around himself. Jaune would sigh out soon after before Ren's input made the blondie cringe lightly. Steeling his will, and his arms, Jaune would clasp the burrito Pilot firmly. With a heave, Jaune pushed the Pilot off with a small yell as the sentient burrito fell over the side of the bed. A loud thud ringing out as Oscar watched on with shock while Ren gave a small raise of his eyebrows. Meanwhile, Jaune would pat his hands as (Y/N)'s burrito-self sat up with a glare towards Jaune.


"Yeah, seriously! You're gonna sleep in and we need to train soon. Get our morning runs in!"

Jogging in place, Jaune gained a sweat-drop expression from Ren and Oscar as (Y/N) simply stared on with a glare. A glare that soon faltered with a sigh as Jaune immediately noticed that as he turned to Ren and Oscar. Giving them a small nod towards the door, the two would nod before exiting the room with the door being closed by Ren. Looking over at his bestfriend, Jaune walked over and helped (Y/N) onto his feet before sitting down on his bed.


"Don't mention it...So...if I had to guess, it's about last night with Weiss?"

Truth be told, it was that reason and the fact he was visited by his father right after. Yet he was also taken aback by the fact Jaune knew of his talk with Weiss as he looked at him with a pair of slightly widened eyes. Jaune would give a sheepish smile right after.

"It was pretty obvious. Especially because I saw her go to the girl's room with a small frown..."


(Y/N) soon plopped himself down onto his bed with his elbows on his knees and his face buried in his hands. Jaune reached over almost out of instinct and began to pat him lightly on the back.

"I'm human trash, Yellow. We spoke about Ruby and I. She just told me to be there for Ruby. Now I feel like I'm betraying Little Red and Weiss at once...! I really am a late bloomer..."

"Yeah...I could see how that discourages you...But Weiss is...happy for you and Ruby. She probably doesn't show it but, I can tell she is just genuinely happy to have the both of you...Even if she can't have what you two had in Beacon..."

Looking up from his hands, (Y/N) would stare at the wall momentarily as Jaune continued to ease him of his stress. Suddenly, Jaune would waft his hand wildly through his bestfriend's hair as (Y/N) yelped out. Swatting at Jaune's hands as a response.


"Besides! You got Ruby now, man. You can't tell me you don't love her. You unlocked your semblance and aura because of her! And she loves you because she almost got swatted for you."

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