Vol. Five Ch. Ten: Not So Different

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~First Person~

An hour or so had passed since that weird ethereal ass kicking and I had a few ideas as to what caused it. But for right now? I was laying down in my bed with my flight-suit undone and heavy bandaging with packets of ice underneath said wrapping. Leading to me to hiss out occasionally as an ice-cube or packet poked my side. On my face? I had a gauze pad on the left side of my forehead and one under my left eye since I also obtained claw marks. Yet, at the moment, I was left in total, silent peace-

Suddenly, a soft yet, semi-loud snore was heard at my side as she sat in a chair next to my bed. Her head laying softly on my hand given how she had come in after a while of me not yelling out bloody fuckin' murder. She had been worn out, emotionally, so she decided to lay down with me. Yet her soft snores definitely were cute though since I would chuckle softly before lightly pulling my hand out from underneath her. Causing her face to scrunch up with a soft whine as I was quick to then gently rub the top of her head. Her face soon easing up as I let out a sigh of relief.

"You're still awake?"

Looking at the door, I was met with Weiss wearing a soft smile as she had just walked in. Giving her a soft chuckle, I continued to stroke Ruby's head as Weiss walked in before closing the door lightly as to jot wake up Ruby.

"Ironically, yeah. I'm bruised to high hell but, good...I have an idea why, though."

"You mean...?"

"Bingo. Asshat is getting his ass handed to him. Or was."

Weiss had made her way to my side with her hands placed over the other in front of her yet, she soon gained a small frown. One that noticed right away as I cocked an eyebrow.

"You good, Weiss Cream?"

"I was just worried...I've never heard in so much pain before. I was scared..."

She had a good point...Looking off to the side for a moment, I tried to think of a way to comfort Weiss. However, I didn't have much of a clue to what to say to actually soothe her. It didn't matter though given how Ruby soon began to flutter open before she looked at me with wide eyes. Yet I didn't expect the next part as she suddenly threw her arms around my neck into a hug. A hug that caused me to fight demons and Satan himself so I wouldn't curse out. As for Weiss, she would jump back a bit with a hand over her lips.

"You're awake!"

"Pr-Probably won't be for long! Down, girl! Down!"


Ruby would quickly back away, only for her to lean right back in and give me a peck on the cheek that caught me off-guard. With a small gasp, she would suddenly turn and run off.


Thank god for the Pilot training I used to decipher that...Hearing Ruby's small cheers, I couldn't help but chuckle as Weiss did the same before I began to sit up with a hiss. One that immediately resulted in Weiss going to help me by lightly placing her hand behind my back. Her normally cold hands actually soothing in my current predicament as I let out a blissful sigh.

"Thanks...Nice Weiss-"

Suddenly pressing down her pointer finger on my mid-back, I let out a yelp as a jolt of pain shot out through me. Looking at Weiss, she wore a glare that made me snicker out before Weiss's face turned into a smile with a roll of her eyes.

"I thought you were used to pain?"

"Well, this world likes to spoil me. I'm currently fighting demons to not go up towards the campus street and buy mochi balls."

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