Vol. Six Ch. Two: No More Half-Truths

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~Third Person~

Cinder had fallen. It was as easy as that. But when she did? She soon began to sink...more and more. Until she finally began to come to, only to choke up on water as her eyes shot open. Ice chunks sinking with her as well. She survived. Somehow.

Soon, a splash rang out as she crawled and gasped for air from the water. When she stopped? She tried to spawn a flame in her hand, one that flickered and died much to her displeasure. Slamming her Grimm fist into the ground? A crack rang out against the rocks before light came in.

Stumbling out into the rain? Cinder held her side as her strength would leave her before suddenly collapsing forward. Though, a voice rang out.

"Gods! Are you okay...!? Where did you-?"

A woman had found Cinder. And she was going to ask something, until Cinder's arm unfurled out much to her horror. She even dropped her produce into the process, but when she looked up? Cinder was staring into her eyes before smiling wickedly as he one eye burst out flames...

~First Person~

"Tss!! Ow!"

"Hold still! You aura may heal this, but I rather it not got infected."

Weiss was currently patting down my eyebrow with a little alcohol pad from my first-aid pouch as I sat on a box. The others were wandering around the site gathering up materials that we were going to need for the trip to Argus-

"G-Great! This is just...great! W-We're stranded! We lost a third of our party! And we have gained a defenseless old lady-!"

I watched Yang fall backwards with a sigh of defeat after having tried to get Bumblebee out of the snow. With a snicker, I looked to the old lady as she slid away from Oscar as he tried to help her.

"My name is Maria Calavera! And I am NOT defenseless! I am just... a little hard of hearing...! And blind...without my eyes, which are in desperate need of repair...! Okay...I'm starting to see your point..."

With another hiss? I looked to Weiss to see her giggle out before pulling away.

"Glad my suffering entertains you, your highness- Ack!"

"Opulence was so much more refined. Though I did miss your more rugged appearance."

"Win some, ya lose some~!"

"Yang, knock it off, will ya? And you two, get a room...When we get to Argus."

I stuck my tongue out to Qrow before standing and patting myself down. Meeting up at the center of the site? Qrow spoke more.

"If we lose our cool now? We will just be inviting even more Grimm-"

"Does that even matter? Apparently, we have been attracting Grimm ever since we left Haven!"

"And whatever happened to 'no more half-truths!?'"

"Yeah! I think it's about time we got an explanation..."

Yang and Blake were beyond pissed at this point. Even Oscar was a little rebellious as he spoke out! As he looked to me...? I just blinked and looked away...Ozpin was able to block him out momentarily back on the train. Which is why he didn't question the Salem thing. Though...Oscar was less than happy given how it was a blackout. Regardless, Ozpin soon took over as Maria turned to us as he wore a stern gaze.

"I did not lie to you..."

"Well you certainly didn't tell us everything there is about the relic...!"

"Please? Now is not the time..."


Now the girls looked to me as I felt...on the spot as I gave a small gulp. Especially given how fiery Yang looked at me as I took a step more towards the middle of everyone.

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