Vol. Six Finale: Wetworks

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~Third Person~

Within the airspace of Argus, numerous Atlesian ships were dogfighting Sphinxes and Manticores whilst others focusing on attacking the Leviathan. One that roared out as numerous missiles hit it, yet did little to nothing as it soon went under. Now swimming to avoid being attacked.

"All units he advised! Leviathan class Grimm as submerged, but is still on approach! Preparing hard-light shields, over!"

"We keep getting slammed by hostiles over here!! Where is Cordovin!?"


Cordovin's mech was still very much struggling as the group of students and Huntsman watched on in horror. Yet before their fear could fall deeper?


Yang and Blake were running up the hill to meet up with the others, Blake still missing her jacket and Gambol Shroud broken.

"Yang! Blake! Are you okay!?"

The two would see the mech stuck in the water and go wide eyed.

"What happened...?"

"Whole lot. And-"

Blake's answer was provided by the young Pilot, which was cut off when the Leviathan roared out.

"Thank you! For finishing my sentence."

"Was that a giant Grimm?"

Yang would turn to her sister for an answer. But Weiss soon spoke out.

"Yes...And we just ruined the only thing capable of stopping it..."

The ship soon began to take off before flying off, beginning course for Atlas. But...it was anything but cheers and relief as everyone was silent or in pain, or silently in pain too. By the hangar door, Ruby watched on with a frown as Cordovin's grunted out whilst trying to pull the mech's arm out the waves below. Soon letting out a frustrated scream before turning towards the leaving ship.


Despite her rage...Cordovin shrunk in defeat as her radio system let out a crunch. A soldier speaking out.

"Ma'am, what's your status?! We need an answer, over!"

Even though he was calm? There an undertone of panic in his voice that made Cordovin frown deeply before speaking to herself in a whimper...

"Your fault..."

It almost sounded like she was blaming herself.

"I'm so sorry..."

On the ship, Yang continued to console Blake after the horrendous fight against Adam. One that ended in, as one would expected, someone not leaving that waterfall.

"Don't be. This isn't on you."


"You're safe!"

Turning to Ruby, the girl had made her way over and crouched before Blake with her hands reaching out to grasp onto hers. After a moment, Blake smiled softly with a sniffle and hugged Ruby gently. Soon the Pilot came over with a small weakened smile as his brown had a little blood on it.

"Yeah. You had us dead worried! The both of you. Sorry we totally forgot. But after the shit we've seen-!"

Yang looked up at him with a frown before looking away, something that caught his attention as he blinked softly. Soon Blake turned to him with that same frown as he grew skeptical.

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