Vol. Five Ch. Three: Kidding Me

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~Third Person~

Ghira Belladonna paced back and forth as he read from a sheet of paper whilst his wife, Kali, sat on the couch by the front entrance door. Beside her, standing, was Blake with her head down, arms crossed and her right foot planted against the wall she laid against. As for Sun, he sat against a jade pillar within the entry with his leg propped up to support his arm. However, Spry was nowhere to be seen.

That, along with the event soon to occur, was bugging Blake massively as she tried to focus more on the matter at hand. After pacing a bit more, Ghira would stop and look at the paper once again as it was revealed to be a speech layout. Numerous little things had been circles and crossed out with red pen as Ghira was obviously nervous due to the fact he put a hand to his head with a sigh. Kali, seeing and hearing her husband's frustration, would stand up and approach him from behind before placing a reassuring hand upon his right shoulder.

"Are you ready...?"

"Yes...It won't be easy for the people to hear but, the truth, often isn't...I know they'll do the right thing...!"

With hope in his words, Ghira would then be comforted by his daughter, who wrapped her arm underneath his own, before getting closer to him. The three sharing a pleasant moment before Ghira jumped, causing Kali and Blake to do the same, as they turned around to Sun. Who had his hand on Ghira's back as he gave the man a reassuring smile and tone.

"You got this...!"

Turning to him, all three of them, Blake was the first to glare softly at him as Sun took a step back as he realized his ruined the moment. Giving a sheepish smile, the lot would then approach the front door with Ghira taking point. Shoving the door's open with ease, they would slam and rattle heavily as it was revealed a large portion of the island's population was at the foot of the stairs. With the family going down the stairs, voices murmured as it was revealed there were even news groups amongst the crowd. One in particular was a women with a large sun hat speaking into a scroll a man held. Even more so when several people were holding scrolls to document the event. It was then revealed that the two Fennec Brothers from before, were also accompanied by numerous other Menagerie guards.

As the people spoke, the loud ring of the podium's microphone rang out as Ghira finally approached it. Upon holding his hand up, the talking would completely come to a halt. Showing just how well-respected Ghira was.

"Thank you all for assembling here...I wanted to take time to address some of the rumors that have been circulating around our island. I believe that it is important for the people of this territory to understand the truth...No matter how you feel about the human race, I think we can all agree that the event now known as the 'Fall of Beacon' was a tragedy. A tragedy that will set both man and Faunus-kind back. While the main aggressor is still unknown, we do have official confirmation that Adam Taurus... "

With every word hitting the crowd, there was nothing but silence for Ghira as he spoke in a soft yet, confident tone. Nearing the end of his sentence, he would turn towards Albain and his brother. Glaring at them as he continued to speak.

"... the leader of a powerful splinter group working inside the White Fang, was partially responsible for these attacks! His actions not only tarnished the reputation of an organization originally created to bring peace and equality to all! But, to our entire race. With each day that this man remains unpunished, it becomes increasingly difficult to condemn those that look down upon us..."

The people were obviously heavily disturbed by this news as they began to talk between one another. This was, quite possibly, a faunus had condemned another faunus and it was Ghira nonethless. The Albain brothers would look at one another in silent damnation that the news was out. The White Fang at the Fall of Beacon was just rumors to the island but, now it was confirmed. To calm the crowds, Ghira once again held his hand up and the same result ensued.

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