Vol. Five Ch. Four: Minding the Gaps

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~Third Person~

The engine of Bumblebee could be heard purring out as Yang and Co. were passing through a forest of Anima. One may think, "Why is it suddenly Yang and Co., when it is Yang and Vigor?" Well...Yang was driving Bumblebee, as expected and Vigor rode on the tail of the appropriately named bike. Yet, in between the two was the man Yang and Vigor had met at the roadside store. Whose name was Shay D. Mann...shocking.

Vigor's face was less than amused as he had his arms crossed instead of holding onto the bike. The situation was...awkward and Vigor's gummy words had been discarded long ago when the uneven weight of the bike caused a small swerve. Causing his worms to return to the earth...and some minor smaller vermin type Grimm that immediately ate them. As the ride went on a bit longer, Yang would turn to Shay.

"How much further, pal?"

"This should just about do it!"


With the all clear from Shay, and a cheer from Vigor as he tossed his hands up into the air, Yang would bring Bumblebee to a halt. Shay wasted no time in getting off as Vigor scooted off the ride. Stretching his limbs heavily with groans.

"You wait here! I'll go up ahead and make sure the coast is clear."

With a small jog, Shay wild disappear into the tree-line as Yang and Vigor watched on. The former of which would lower her shades as Vigor continued to stretch. Not long after, Yang had dismounted fully and had begun to stretch as well. Removing some of the accessories she had been wearing since she had left Patch.

"You do know he's going to betray us, right?"

"Yeah. But, at least he gave us a general direction, right?"

"True. Your mom's place is probably...over yonder."

Stretching his arm, Vigor pointed up ahead towards the path that seemed to be covered with green yet, it was obvious to the trained eye. As Yang finished stretching though, there came the cock of a hammer and a gunshot that Yang instantly blocked with her robotic forearm. A plume of flames ricocheting off as Yang lowered her arm to reveal Vigor was now gone as numerous bandits clad in clothing similar to Shay's, approached Yang. Some carrying rifles, some machetes and Shay an odd pistol.

"I can't believe you were dumb enough to let me lead you here~!"

Instead of being angry, Yang seemed more annoyed as she gave a blank glare to all of them.

"Is this everyone...?"

Shay soon let out a grim chuckle as Yang continued to stare on in blank annoyance.

"Yes, little lady. This is it~! Well, unless you count the whole rest of the camp back that way."

"That way?"

Yang asked blankly as the Mann of the hour, or moment, pointed in the direction Vigor had just pointed in. A small and hushed "yes" could be heard in the background yet, no one seemed to take notice of the voice in the wind. Looking between his bandit buddies, Shay received numerous shrugs as well as a confused set of looks.

"Yes, that way."

"Good to know. Thanks."

"Now to pay me back for this tooth! We're going to take your bike~ And you're going to take your lumps~!"

Shay would approach a bit before punching his fist into his hand yet, there was no effect on the annoyed Yang. Looking at her left hand, she would then shoot to her side as Ember Celica extended out to reveal the little bracelet was a shotgun of sorts. Exciting~! Exciting enough that the bandits would raise their weapons at the ready with looks of confusion. A small stare down would ensue as Shay then brought up his knuckle-revolver-shiv as Yang continued to wear an annoyed scowl.

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