Vol. Four Ch. Five: A Stray

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~Third Person~

A foghorn would blare out as the ship Spry, Blake and Sun  rode in on finally docked into the harbor for Menagerie. The ramp dropping was an indicator that now passengers could leave and, that was exactly what the trio would do next. Menagerie was an island paradise with the warm summer weather, the summer clothing everyone wore, palm trees, huts made of wood, glaring sun and all this was topped off by a bell tower that would ring out atop a building not too far away. It even took Sun aback as he stopped for a moment to let the sight soak in as Spry and Blake walk onwards.

"I've never seen so many faunus in one place!"

And many there were given by the fact this area was a bit more similar to a dock market selling things from food to wares. Each standing being different from the last was a large coincidence given all the breeds of faunus around the three.

"This is the one place everyone can feel safe. No matter who or what they are."

"Wow! Sure is, uh...crowded, huh?"

"Yes. Yes it is."

"That's...putting it lightly, Sun...I can feel the breath of people walking by, no offense."

Just then, Sun and Spry had to weave to their sides to avoid a person carrying a box. The person who gave a small nod towards the latter as if telling him his remark was paid no mind. And it was true. Menagerie was truly packed beyond the brim, even with the fact this was a market. Even as they made some clear distance from the Market, it was still quite packed.

"Is it always so... cramped?"

"Well, when you try and take an entire species and put them on an island that's two-thirds desert? Yeah, it tends to be cramped."

"Huh...reminds me of Angel City's lower quadrant...I could go for some ramen...."

A small growl would rumble from Spry's stomach before he gave a sheepish chuckle and smile. Yet, Blake's minor annoyance, evidenced by her ears flattening and her eyes squinting, with the fact as well as Sun's brain finally gathering the information was enough to warrant the Monkey faunus to yell out. Jogging up in front of Blake with mixed shock and equal annoyance.

"It's not like the desert in Vacuo, Sun. The wildlife here is more dangerous than most other regions."

"Hm. Right! I remember Oobleck and Port's classes on Menagerie. The Grimm have somehow become more rampant as a result of the climate and abundance yet, failure of hunting."

"So...they give us a terrible island, in the corner of Remnant, to try and shut us up?"

"That's a pretty good summary, yeah."

Continuing on after called "them" jerks with hands on his hips? The trio would begin ascending a rather angled stairway leading up a hill. Although, Spry couldn't help but feel eyes on him as some faunus passed by...Then he remembered the ears he had chosen out thanks to joint collaboration of Sun and an artsy girl on the ship. He now wore a rather silly pair of small cheetah ears upon his head.

"We try to make the best of things."

"It really does remind me of Angel City..."

"I hear all this talk about Angel City but, you haven't told us anything!"

"Well...it's a touchy subject. From the IMC to now? Angel City has a...rough patch in my heart...Just think of Menagerie yet, more cramped and a giant skyscraper that is the IMC Frontier Headquarters."

Stopping at the top of the hill, Sun would gain a look of awe with Blake giving the sight a warm homey smile. Spry could only go wide eyed though as he laid his eyes upon huts and homes of wooden with wooden or paper roof. Whatever wasn't a street or home? Was enveloped in lush green palm trees that even went beyond the opposite hillside. A hillside that turned into a mountain range. In the middle of all this? A large manor that had natural borders made of those palm trees.

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