Vol. Five Ch. Two: Stings Like Hell

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~Third Person~

Lionheardt sat within his office with his head in his hands as he leaned against his desk. The rowdy group of Beacon Students, Qrow and Ex-Pilot having taken a toll on him that not even the most sweetest of advils could treat. Yet it was only going to get worse as Arthur Watts entered the office with the door closing as soon as he entered.

"Are we ready~?"

Looking up from his hands, Lionheardt would watch Watts approach his desk with his hands behind his back. Leo's expression was anything but certainty and that was something Watts found amusement as he gave a sinister grin.

It wasn't long that they now headed the lightly a curved secret hallway that lead into an odd circular room. A room that contained a Seer grimm that bobbed and floated idly in the center that began to have its bulbous head fill with a sort of crimson smoke that wafted around lightly. However, Lionheardt's meek nature made him hesitate long enough for Watts to take note of as he soon shoved the cowardly lion forward.

"After you~!"

"Your grace...are...you there...?"

With that, the smoke within the Seer's head suddenly hissed and swirled into a cyclone before the image of Salem appeared. Even her regal, calm yet, intimidating voice was heard as she greeted the Headmaster in response.

"Hello, Leonardo. Do you have something to report?"

She soon sounded less than enthused as Lionheardt's hands were close to his chest as he spoke. Yet he seemed to be failing at keeping a constant lock on her eyes.

"Of course, ma'am! I would not waste your time, if not-"

Despite finishing his sentence, Leo was still interrupted by Watts, who slipped up from behind in fascination towards the Seer's abilities.

"I'm still just so fascinated by this creature! Cinder, dear, are we coming through? Can you see us clearly? Well, as clearly as you can-"

"Please stop tapping on the thing like it's some damn goldfish bowl. Besides, you might spook the poor girl."

Haytham's voice suddenly spoke out from within the chamber as Lionheardt couldn't help but jump with a yelp. It wasn't long after that Haytham appeared with a small distorted hum from his gauntlet as he had been cloaked the entire time. As for Watts, he seemed to take amusement in the simulacrum's mutual distaste for the fiery woman, who stood next to her highness with an annoyed scowl.

"Shut. Up."

Cinder's voice had come back in full since the last time she was seen yet, she was still disfigured and even her voice sounded a bit more coarse then usual. A coarseness that made Haytham chuckle out despite not having the organs to do so. Even with that, Watts became rather disappointed upon hearing Cinder's voice since he hadn't heard her beforehand

"Oh, goody...You've recovered..."

"Haytham, I am glad to see you reached Mistral safe and well. As for you, Leo, your report?"

Upon showing gratitude for Haytham's arrival, Haytham himself would stay silent and look away from the Seer as he spun a data-knife within his metallic grasp. As for Lionheardt, he would meekly step forward upon Watts stepping back as if he tried to hide somewhere in the empty chamber. Something that annoyed Haytham as he spun his knife faster as Leo spoke in a submissive tone.

"I've... I've found the Spring Maiden."

Haytham would actually pause as his interest had been grabbed upon hearing the news. Even Salem was taken aback as she spoke in a more softer tone with her eyes even opening a bit more than usual.

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