First day

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Sup yall.
I'm here again.

(Btw most characters are 16-18 in this since it's a college au)

(Also, hello 'Dysphoric' readers. Ily. :))

I apologise in advance if the story is bad.

Third person pov:

Karl admired the buildings features, it looked rather old, but not in an off-putting, falling apart, unstable way. In a wise way.
It was obvious the college had a rather long history, the vines that scaled a small fraction of the buildings' walls were very aesthetically pleasing to the artist.

As other students passed him to enter, he pulled a folded piece of paper from his pocket. Inside was his timetable, providing him with the information he would need to find his class, the times and room numbers neatly displayed in a table.

He looked back up at the large building before pulling out yet another piece of folded paper from his pocket, revealing a map of the college. Different buildings for different subjects, he wasn't sure if he had the right one, it wasn't specified.

He watched each student enter in front of him, taking a mental note of what each one carried with them. Unfortunately, he couldn't tell if the bags they carried would contain any art supplies or not.

"This is impossible..." he muttered to himself, looking around in all directions for any sign of an art student. But the amount of students entering was quickly decreasing as they all went to their lessons.

It was at this point he was starting to panic, he truly had no hope of finding the building he was meant to be in.
He sighed in defeat before he too decided to walk into the building infront of him, taking a wild guess, hoping that maybe it was the right one.

"Yeah, this isn't the right one." He concluded after what felt like hours of walking around the same building, scanning every rooms' door number for the correct lesson.
The halls were almost completely empty by now, teens from other lessons still roamed the halls, some on their free period and others on an errand for their teachers, it made him feel a little less anxious that he wasn't the only one in the surprisingly spacious corridors.

He stopped, stood to the side and pulled out his map again, "right... so here... and then we go this way..." he muttered to himself, trying to figure out where he went wrong. He noticed how his paper shook in his hands, nervous for his first day, his first lesson, which he was already 20 minutes late to.

"Excuse me?" He felt someone tap on his shoulder, making him jolt, their voice was sweet and welcoming, soft and kind, he didn't at all feel threatened like he assumed he might have done, he turned his head to see a male just a bit shorter than he was with a soft smile on his face and glasses perched on his nose, "hi, sorry to bother you. Are you new?" He asked.

Karl nodded, suddenly aware that if he was going to pass, his voice was a huge give away. His voice dysphoria skyrocketing as he remembered his voice, though he never realised just how much more feminine it was in his head compared to how it really sounded.

"Ah, I see. Do you need some help finding your classroom? Ive noticed you've walked down this same hallway like 8 times" he chuckled.

Karl blushed slightly, embarrassed. It was now made clear to him just how obviously clueless he must have looked, aimlessly wondering the halls, just waiting for this angel of a being to guide him to his correct classroom.
He nodded again.

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