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I apologise I'm advance for any current and future spelling mistakes 🧍.

Sapnap was the first to start, drumming a short solo for a moment before both guitarists jumped in after clearly waiting for a specific beat to begin.

The drums sounded so cool, for a moment he had forgotten the guitars existed as he watched Sapnaps play, his hands seemed to just move on their own, he seemed so concentrated yet so relaxed at the same time.
It was only drums, but music he played was better than he had expected, Karl didn't think anything could top it.
That is until the guitarists started, immediately starting to play at the same time, both playing different strumming patterns that somehow worked so well together.
All together it was beautiful.

He was dazzled by their talent, absolutely blown away. He was speechless.
But somehow his gaze seemed to drift back to the drummer, watching him skilfully play an instrument that seemed like it took too much coordination for Karl to ever even imagine trying. In Karl's mind, Sapnap was like the safety net, as long as the song had a good beat, the guitars didn't have to be as complicated and anything could sound good with it.

Sapnap could feel the brunettes gaze on him and shot him a quick glance, once again Karl looked away on instinct.
'Why do I keep doing that?? He was only looking at me!' He scolded himself, why was he even panicking?
'What the honk' he continued to watch the guitarists, 'why do I feel like im in some cheesy romance movie?' He smiled to himself.

They only played for around a minute, after they had finished, the two photographers cheered and congratulated the three, complimenting their talent.
After they said their goodbyes, the two left the room and continued their lesson.
Karl was honestly sad that they had to leave so soon, but time was running out and they had only a couple of honesty terrible photos.

"Your friends are really cool" Karl confessed.
"Aren't they?" He chuckled, smiling softly at whatever thoughts he was clearly distracted by.
"So how did you guys meet?"
George hummed for a moment, "well, Sapnap and Dream were already friends when I met them, they've been friends for years now." He started, "I met them during the first day, I walked into the wrong computer room and Dream was in there, for some reason after that lesson he like tracked me down or something and started talking to me." He shrugged, "and I'm pretty sure Wilbur and just really got along with the other two and met during music class I guess"

Karl hummed in response, processing the information, "so..." he started, "what's Sapnap like?"
"Oh? Interested in Sapnap are we?" George smirked, pulling up his camera to take a picture of the radiator at an angle that would fall under some of the 'core skills' category's.

"What? No? Well, yes- but not in that way- like- he's just quiet so I didn't really speak to him I guess??" He stumbled, 'what the honk whyyyyy am I stuttering?? Not poggers not poggers.'

Goerge laughed slightly, enjoying teasing the other, "he only really gets that way around new people, he may appear really intimidating but he's actually a really sweet guy. You just got to get close enough to him to see it" he shrugged.

"I see" Karl noted.
"So Karl" the brunette started, "tell me more about yourself? You seem like an interesting person."
"Me? An interesting person?" He chuckled, "I think you've got the wrong guy."

"Nono I'm serious" he protested, "let's be honest, most guys are huge pieces of shit, it's rare to meet someone like you."

"Like me?"

"Yeah, you're like... cool?" He struggled to find the right words, "I'm not sure, you just seem very accepting and kind? You don't meet a lot of guys like that" he explained.

Karl was internally screaming at all the masculine references, just the word 'guy' was enough to make him feel like crying on the spot.
"Well, I'm not sure what you want me to tell you, or what sort of thing your expecting..." he started, "but I'm a pretty boring guy, so don't get your hopes up for anything good."

"Awww come on, Karl, don't talk like that" he whined, "come on, I want to learn more about you" he said.
Karl wasn't used to this attention, this kind of interaction with someone, it was nice, he enjoyed it. Especially when he used his name.
"Oh, what aboouutttttt art. You enjoy art right?"
"I mean theres not really much to say, I just find it relaxing..." he replied, "what about you? Why coding?"
"I just think it's cool, plus I think it's a pretty impressive skill, especially because it looks complicated. But once you understand what it all means, it's actually pretty easy." He explained, "but enough about me, I've heard the others talk about themselves, I've talked about myself, but all I know about you is that you like art and came into class late today for the first time ever." He tittered.

Karl hummed, thinking for a moment, "well, again, there's not much about me that's interesting..." he stated, all he could think of was hobbies like art and his identity, and he definitely wasn't about to come out to a guy he met half an hour ago, "I play a lot of Minecraft?"

"No way!" George beamed, "do you have discord? Maybe we can play together some time??" He asked happily.

"Sure, yeah that sounds great." He stated, he told him his discord. He had never been asked for his discord before, or his number for that matter.
He was a little nervous he may leak it since he has popular friends, but he trusts George, well he trusted him as much as you could trust someone you met less than an hour before. But he already felt some kind of connection to him, he just wasn't sure what kind of relationship it would turn into though.

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