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Trigger warning:
-transphobic parent

(Recap in next chapter)

George is typing...

George: hey Karl :)

Karl: hi :)

The two chatted for a few seconds before one of them finally asked.

George: want to play minecraft??? :0

Karl couldn't stop smiling at his monitor, he'd never done this before, George was one of the only people to ever talk to him outside of school.
He wanted to think maybe it was the beginning of a friendship, but didn't want to jinx it.

He agreed.
Karl: sure! :)
Such a small message, only one word, but it was enough to ruin his day entirely.
Just that one word was going to feel like the biggest mistake of his life.

Both boys set everything up and soon enough they had joined a new server together.
They got very exited, the feeling was only amplified by the fact they were playing together. They had tons of fun.

Time went by so quickly, and without even realising, almost an hour or so had passed, and Karl didn't even notice what that would mean.
Nor did he expect what happened only seconds later.

He had his headphones on, laughing away with George, he didn't hear the stomps, the loud bangs of the supplies being dropped in the kitchen.
But he definitely heard the loud bang of his door slamming open, completely catching him off guard, his heart jumped so hard it might as well have ripped rights through his chest.
He jumped in his seat, quickly removing his headphones by instinct as well as turning to face the source of the noise.

His eyes met with the string glare of his fathers, his arms crossed, stood in his doorway, his expression noticeably looked as if he was expecting an apology.
"Well that was just unnecessary" Karl deadpanned, referring to the slam of the door, the handle most definitely chipping some paint off his wall from the force.

"Well it caught your attention didn't it?" He retorted, he walked slightly closer, "phone. Now" he demanded, holding his hand out sternly.
Karl was dumbfounded, "excuse you?" He scoffed.
"I said. Phone. Now." He spat, his tone was intimidating.
The brunette reluctantly handed the man his telecommunication device, his hand shaking slightly.

His so-called father figure snatched it from him, sliding it into his pocket immediately.
"When do I get it back?" Karl asked, confused about the order's intentions.
"Possibly never." He grunted, "only when you give up on this pathetic fantasy of yours."
Karl blinked, his eyes wide, "what?" He spat.
"You heard." He glared back, clearly feeling as though Karl was questioning his authority, "it's clearly because of your unrestricted access to the internet that you are delusional."

Karl shook his head, scoffing at his stupidity, "are you actually serious right now?!" He snapped, "you're the one who's honking delusional! Why can't you just accept who I am and get over yourself-"
"Don't you fucking raise your voice at me, young lady!" He boomed.
Karl immediately froze, his father didn't shout often, well sometimes, but never like that.
He didn't dare respond.
And by following his command, his father smirked slightly, reassured that he had the power. It was clear Karl was scared.

"You never try to fight with me, so spoilt, you are starting to believe you can do anything you want now. Teenagers." He uttered, "and on that note, I'm also taking your PC." He added, he walked over and unplugged them, the monitors went black.
Karl was still too stunned to protest, knowing it wouldn't end well if he did.
"I hope you understand, Kira" he started, "that I'm doing this for your own good."

Karl wanted to just scream at him, that name, those words, the power he held over him. It was so frustrating.
"I'll call you down when dinner's ready" he finished, exiting the room and closing the door behind him.

Karl just started at his empty desk, as the recognisable footsteps slowly disappeared, his eyes started to fill with tears. He couldn't control his facial expressions as he tried his hardest to not cry, to maybe prove to himself that he was manly enough to one day prove it to his father too.
But he just couldn't hold it back. None of it.
They all just flooded out all at once.

'Why cant he understand? Why won't he just try and understand?' He sobbed as quietly as he could, covering his mouth to try and muffle the choked cries, 'his methods just make no sense?? How will this "help" me??' He questioned, anger and sadness were a dangerous mix.

His head shot up at a thought, looking at his desk as if it held an answer, or his monitors would magically appear. But as he stated at the empty desk, still shaken up, tears continuing to trickle down his face, one thought crossed his mind, one that would take over his mind as it branched out into many.
He stared, wide eyed.

'George was still on call for that whole thing, wasn't he?'

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