Ribs are overrated

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Trigger warning:
-unsafe binding
-troubles breathing
-binding with ace bandages.
-rib pains my beloved
-panic attack

(Recap in next chapter)

Karl's pov:

-the next morning-

I looked out the window, the car was gone again just as I had hoped.
I hastily pulled open my drawer and grabbed the box. I opened it and started to unravel the bandages.

As I binded carefully, I thought about the dangers, and as I had not experienced them myself, assumed I would be fine and that it would be worth it.
I hadn't read much into ace bandages and the dangers, but I didn't really worry about it as much as I probably should. Assuming what data I had already read online about it was enough.

I did think 'maybe I just shouldn't go in again?' But after finishing with the bandages, I admired my work, and to be honest? They weren't even that tight. I tried to make them reasonably loose so I wouldn't injure myself.

But unfortunately, I didn't yet know how these types of bandages worked.

-time skip-

'Next is photography' I stated, getting up from my seat after first period, I noticed that my chest was starting to feel quite uncomfortable, it was tight, but I shrugged it off assuming it was because my body wasn't used to the mew material, that maybe I was just adjusting to it.

As I walked down the hall to the photography room, I felt a hand on my shoulder, "look who's back" George smiled at me.
"Oh hey" I smiled back, "so you probably have some questions about yesterday?"

"Oh, just tell me in your own time, I don't really mind, don't feel obliged to tell me about it if it makes you uncomfortable." George immediately interrupted, "I just needed to make sure that you were okay."

"Thanks, I'm fine. Just a fight"

"Well, it happens" he understood, not knowing all the facts.

I suddenly stopped, feeling a sudden sharp pain in my chest, specifically around the side causing me to flinch after grab the pained area, "shit shit" I breathed heavily, even after the pain subsided I waited incase movement would make it worse.
"George? Hey? Are you okay, man? What's up?" George panicked, holding me incase I fell.
I stood back up, chuckling nervously, "I um... I think I'm alright? Sorry, I don't know what happened there..."

'There's no way it's the bandages right? They don't feel that tight.' I thought.

"Are you sure? We can always skip and go to the medical room?" George informed.
"Nono it wasn't that bad" I lied, it hurt, a lot, even if it was only for a few seconds.

It seemed so sudden how moments after saying that, my chest started to feel completely restricted, like I couldn't breath at all or move it, it felt so tight.
I was starting to make me panic, I felt like I wasn't receiving enough air, I felt like I couldn't breath.

George noticed my heavy breaths, "Karl? Okay I'm taking you to medical." He informed, sternly, it was clear he was worried.
"Nahhh Nono I'm um... I'm fine" I lied, taking heavy breaths between words.
I held a hand against my chest, the bandages feeling harder than I remembered.

I tried to steady my shaky breaths but was rudely interrupted my my head feeling foggy, my body felt light yet so heavy at the same time, the feeling was confusing, this only made me panic more.
My legs suddenly gave way, and my breath hitched as I fell to my knees, still holding my breath just trying to breath. I didn't even realise that George was trying to speak to me.
I heard a ringing in my ears, not loud enough to drown out the sound, but noticeably irritating as I felt like my ears had popped like on an aeroplane, all sound seemed muffled and far.
I couldn't quite find the words to explain what I felt how what was happening, but words were of no use to me as my eyes started to fill with dark and blurred spots before nothing.

I collapsed.

George's pov:

Karl was breathing heavily and seemed to be holding his chest as he fell to his knees, other kids had started coming over to see what was happening. I crouched next to him, "Karl?? Karl, what's going on?" I asked, panicking, I had no idea what to do, I just tried fo hold him steady, I'd never been in this situation before.

I turned to a student next to me, "go and get a teacher" I ordered. The kid immediately turned and ran to the nearest classroom.
"Everyone give him some space!" I glared, they should be in lessons, most probably just wanted an excuse to not be there. They didn't need to be there, I don't care if they are just worried or something, they can't do anything and then being there is probably making it worse.
Some left after I said that, others just stared.

Karl then went limp in my arms, I rested him against my chest and as tears started to stream down my face. I was so confused, I had no ideas what was happening and I felt so useless, much like the call I was powerless.
I feel like I could've prevented this somehow.

"Karl? Hey? Karl stay with me, come on" I sobbed, I could've done more, I know I could've, right??
I felt so paralysed, too scared to do something wrong.

A teacher came running out of the classroom, a few kids from his classroom poking their heads out to see what was happening, "what happened??" He asked, crouching next to me and Karl.
"I don't know, he j-just collapsed, he w-was u-uhm holding his c-chest a-and and he was having p-problem-ms breathing I think?" I stuttered.

The teacher nodded, "you" he looked at a student, "go and get medical, now!"
He ran, but the nurse was already apparently on her way as she walked through the doors, a student had already run to get her. She was followed by two other nurses and a stretcher.

She came over, she had already been told by said student that he had collapsed.
"I need you to come with me, I need you to explain exactly what happened to me, okay?" The lady asked, I nodded.

I let out a shaky breath, trying to steady my words enough for her to understand, Karl was the only thing that was important right now.
As they took him to medical I explained the whole event in detail, she seemed to understand what had happened somehow.

We reached medical, "wait in here for a moment while we check something, we've had a similar case before luckily." She smiled reassuringly, trying to make me feel better, "hopefully it's not as server" she muttered afterwards.
But I heard her, 'what?? Is it that bad?? What does she mean sever?'
I sat on the chair and waited, I messaged bad.

George: come to medical asap.

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