Face your fears

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Karl's pov:

'Oh god this is terrifying.' I thought, the music room door now in sight. I don't even know if he's in there! Dream said he was looking for me, so chances are he isn't even with them.
"Pff yeah he might not even be in there, so maybe we should come back another year." I shrugged, turning in the other direction.
Wilbur grabbed my arm, "nope. Come on." He insisted, guiding me to the music room. His grip on my arm was relaxed, he knew that if I really wanted to go, then I would.
He was currently acting as my anchor.

He peaked in the music room, leaving me in suspense as I waited beside him.
He opened the door with a smile, "hey guys, do you know where Sapnap is?" He ask, implying that I was indeed correct and he was not in the music room after all.
"Nope. Wait here though, he'll be back before long." Dream answered, Wilbur released his grip on my arm knowing that I would follow anyway. I had nowhere else to go.

When I entered George's face lit up, "oh you brought Karl! Good. I have a question I need to ask him." He informed, getting up from his seat and walking over to me.
"Huh? What?" I asked.
He gave me a kind of look, like it was something private, "it's about that thing you told me couple weeks ago at Bad's" he whispered.
"Oh, the trans thing?" I asked, out loud.
George's eyes widened in shock, completely oblivious to the fact that everyone in the room knows about it.
"Don't worry, they know."
"Oh good! That's amazing, I wasn't sure if you had and didn't want to risk it." He smiled, "is it okay if I ask openly?"
"Does Sapnap know?"

I pursed my lips and then clicked my tongue, squinting, Wilbur knew the answer, and he knew how much I was spiralling over it and so winced at the question. Both Dream and George were curious,"...no." I clarified.

"I thought so..." Dream spoke up, "when he talked to me about it he didn't mention it but I also wasn't sure if he knew I knew." He informed me.

"I don't think he'll mind" George added, "knowing Sapnap, I'm pretty sure he'll be okay with it." With all of the brunettes 'think' and 'pretty sure's, I could tell that even he didn't know anything about Sapnaps opinion on dating a trans guy, or anything to do with trans people for that matter.
I guess it's not particularly an often discussed topic.

"Sapnap likes you." Dream announced, "he hasn't stopped texting me about you and I ended up muting him just so I could sleep," he started, I wasn't sure if this was an inspiring and assuring speach, or a whole ass rant, "which shows how much he genuinely cares about you. I think that even if he doesn't get it, he'll try to, and he'll do his best to make you happy."
George nodded with a quiet hum, agreeing with Dream.
I had no right to disagree, they've known Sapnap longer than I have, Dream especially; and so it only makes sense that they, more than anyone, have the most trustworthy opinion.

"Thanks. That actually helped a bit." I laughed slightly.
George patted my shoulder, "don't stress too much, okay? You'll be fine." He reassured.
"Speaking off..." Wilbur started, we all turned to him, he was looking out the door, down the corridor, "it's your time to shine, Karl."


"You got this man." Dream cheered from the other side of the room, George watched as Wilbur gave me a little nudge (push) into the corridor to help encourage (force) me to face my fears.
I stumbled a little due to surprise, "you said you would stay close!" I whisper yelled.
"And I am! I'll be right here if you need me!" He whisper yelled back, a smile on his face, he turned to Sapnap who was approaching at a normal speed but to me felt so much quicker, "hey Sappy!" He smirked, "he's all yours. Enjoy." He finished before closing the door.

"I don't even know." I lied, it felt strange to make small talk with him now with all of this tension built up, but it appeared that I was the only one who felt it.
"Can I talk to you for a minute? In private." He asked, he... actually seemed a bit nervous, he was struggling to look directly at me, but I wouldn't know since I was also looking a different way.
"Yeah, I actually need to talk to you too."

I followed him to the room across the hall, another empty classroom. There are a lot of empty classrooms for a college with so many students attending, do they all just skip school? Someone needs to sort that out, the system is terrible.

He closed the door behind him and I just leant against the wall next to it, the room appeared to previously be teaching maths because of the math equations on the board and the many "inspirational" math posters scattered around the wall.

Sapnap partially sat on the teachers desk as he leaned against it, looking around the room for a moment like I was. We were both procrastinating, neither of us could read minds and so neither of us would know the answer to our question.

My attention was stolen from the boring room when he cleared his throat, he was ready to speak, and I know that I just wanted to get it over and done with but I dreaded this moment.
A million thoughts raced through my head and I couldn't think straight (same) as he prepared himself to say those words.

"Karl," he started, time seemed to slow down, all other sounds were drowned out; kids walking past, loud chatter from other classrooms, opening and closing of a couple of lockers. All I could focus on was Sapnap's voice.
But I didn't want Sapnap to have to do it, I want to do it, I want to say it, I don't know where the hell this sudden confidence came from but I just felt the urge to say it and the urge won.
"Sapnap, I think- I know- I," shit well so much for that plan looser, "Sapnap I really like you."

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