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After dropping Karl off at his art class, Bad departed, leaving to find his own classroom. He had explained to Karl on the way, that each building contained the classrooms for certain subjects.
One for art and design, music and other creative subjects, another for sports which was attached to another building used for subjects such as English, maths, sciences and acting, along with criminology, psychology and so on and so forth.
Needles to say, it was a very large college.

Karl was unsure whether he would see Bad again, feeling less safe without his comforting presence. But he had a strong feeling their paths would once again cross at some point in the future.
Without his knowledge of the school, he already felt lost, even though he was currently stepping into the art room.

And it was gorgeous.

Counters traced the surrounding walls, pots of water and brushes scattered around, dried splatters of painted overlapping to create a satisfying collection of colours.
Tables and chairs grouped in certain sections of the large room, easels and incomplete manakins posed in various ways, some looking as if they were dancing, some appearing more serious.
The walls were all decorated with pieces of art work, some more practical and physical such as clay models, others just a simple yet complex painting.

Karl stated in awe at the sight.

As more joined, he followed the teachers orders to sit down as he called the register.
And used the correct name.

The lesson was great, he didn't really talk to anyone accept for the occasional questions to do with the work assigned to them, but he was called Karl by multiple students and the teacher who said he was impressed with his work, calling him a "talented young man" which almost made him cry.


He felt like he was about to explode from too much happiness. This was the first time in his whole life that he had ever felt so...

So Euphoric.

He didn't think he passed that well. Always picking at every part of him he saw was feminine, he knew which characteristics gave him away as he often studied his appearance in the mirror like a map.

But every single 'he' 'him' and 'Karl' made him smile, washing away all his insecurities in the moment, making him wish he had experienced it sooner. It felt like everything was really starting to make sense now, like without those pronouns and name, there was a huge chunk of his life missing.

He felt whole.

But unfortunately the lesson came to an end, he packed away his belongings and cleaned up his brushes before leaving the classroom to be met with a familiar smiling face.


"Hey Karl!" He waved.

"Bad, hey!" He greeted, he was about to ask 'what he was doing here' but didn't really care, he didn't have any friends and Bad was nice, he wanted to hang out with him. Plus he realised asking that may sound rude.

"Honestly" he started, they began walking towards the exit of the building, "I think you're pretty cool, and I guessed you might need someone to talk to on your first day." He confessed.

"Thanks, I really do."

"So? How was your first lesson of college?" He asked.

"Actually, surprisingly good?" He laughed.

"That's great!" Bad cheered, "I'm so happy for you." They continued to walk around for a bit, most people seemed to have left to go buy something or hangout somewhere else outside of school with their probably new friends.
"Do you want to come sit with me and my friends?" Bad asked, "don't worry, they are very nice people." He added.

Honestly, Karl didn't expect anything else, Bad didn't seem like the type of guy to hang out with people who weren't nice.
He nodded and was dragged by a very exited Bad to a table next to the canteen where two boys already sat waiting, books open on the table.

"Hey guys!" Bad greeted, one of the boys in a blue hoodie immediately shot round at the sound of his voice with a smile on his face, "Bad! Hey!" He grinned, he looked at the boy next to him, "and... who's this?"

Purely based on his height, he assumed that Karl was the same age as them, and so was confused as to why he didn't recognise him. The again, maybe they just had a very different schedule.

"This is Karl, one of the new kids." He introduced, said boy waved at the pair sat down, "we met this morning, I helped him to class, he's my friend so be nice to him." The last part seemed to be aimed more at the boy in the blue hoodie.

The teen in the blue hoodie rolled his eyes playfully at Bads words, "alright alright" he laughed, he held out his hand, "I'm Skeppy." He informed.
Karl shook his hand back, "I'm Karl- wait you knew that..." he panicked, he wasn't used to this much attention.

"Hi!" The other teen spoke up say diagonal from Skeppy, "I'm Fundy, it's nice to meet you" he beamed. He seemed very friendly.
They both also shook hands.
'This group is oddly formal' Karl thought to himself.

Karl sat down beside Skeppy, opposite Fundy, while Bad sat opposite Skeppy. The others started a few conversations with the brunette, asking what subjects he took and what sort of hobbies he enjoyed.

He answered all their questions, even asking a few of his own, accept he noticed that occasionally, he could feel the boy opposite him looking at him. Glaring? Just curiousity? He wasn't too sure.

He glanced over at him, the boy jolted and looked away. Karl wasn't sure why, but assumed it was just an accident.
But looking at him, he noticed a small pin on his jacket.

Trans pin.

His eyes widened slightly, 'no way, is Fundy trans too? What a coincidence.' He thought. He didn't look trans at all, well, that's kind of the point. But it was clear he had started T.
This gave the younger some hope.

He smiled again. Today was just full of smiles.

Karl pulled out a notebook from his bag, Fundy watched curiously as he placed it on the table. The younger waited for both Skeppy and Bad to be distracted before flipping up the corner of his note book to reveal a sticker identical to Fundys pin.

They both smiled at eachother.

Funny had previously been trying to figure out if Karl was trans, like a secret mental radar, trans people can just spot eachother. He honestly couldn't tell at first, Karl just passed so well.

Both boys found comfort in knowing there was someone else like them they might be able to talk to.
Though neither had the courage at first.
Just enjoying each others company.

Having just being trans in common already made them feel like they had a connection, they understood each other's struggles, and that's a rare trait to encounter in a person.

Especially when all your friends are cis.

They kind of just gave each other a knowing look, as if sending each other a telepathic fist bump of sorts before moving on and talking to the other two once again, Fundys suspicions finally cleared.

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