Sleep over?

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Ignore my previous mistakes where I have written about Dream smiling and stuff because he's wearing a mask and I'm dumb.

"Hey we're ba- and they're gone." George stated, opening the door enthusiastically then after realising it was vacant, slouched a bit. He turned around, "they've just up and left." He complained.

"I'm sure they're somewhere in the house, I doubt they've left already." I shrugged.

We made our way down stairs and just like I had suggested, the three teens were walking into the living room with some stuff.
Bad along with them.

"... what's going on?" George spoke up after a few seconds of just observing.
"Oh, finally, where were you guys? You left to find Karl, Karl returned and went to find you, then Dream went to find you and he said he didn't know where you had gone." Wilbur asked.

"We were in my room?" I answered.

Wilbur raised a brow, "uhuh, sure, I'm pretty sure that's the first place he would look." He pointed out, suspicious, "but anyway~" he sang, "me, Sapnap and George are sleeping over because we all want to hang out tomorrow morning anyway."

"... um, I never agreed to that." George stated.

"You would though. I already know your answer." He proudly protested, "so you are joining us. We aren't letting you go home and sleep for like 24 hours just because it's a weekend."

George rolled his eyes, "fine" he walked into the living room to help set up, I assumed that is where they planned on sleeping.
"You're coming too." Wilbur added.

My eyes widened at this, "me?" I asked, even looking around just incase he wasn't talking to me.

"Yeah, you. You're coming too." He announced, he followed after George before I could even respond.
I was happy that Wilbur had invited me, but it was only Wilbur who seemed to want me to join anything, apart from George of course.
Dream didn't seem to mind, and Sapnap... well I hadn't actually talked to him yet, he doesn't seem like he wants to communicate with me in anyway.

It suddenly hit me, my binder, I wasn't about to risk outing myself just because I slept in the same room as three people I wasn't out to.

I mentally counted how many hours it had been since I put it on, I woke up early and went to school, and then got home, which in total was... '10 hours? That's not too bad...' I thought.

The usual max amount of time you can wear a binder is 8 hours, but the absolute maximum if you have to wear it longer is 12 hours, no more than that.
And DEFINITELY no sleeping in it.
It wouldn't be the first time, and I've definitely learnt my lesson from that (not) fun experience.

'I can just deny, right?' I asked, 'I mean I live in the same house? It's not like I'm leaving.' I reminded.

-time skip to after dinner because I hate talk about meals and some people can feel uncomfortable when food is mentioned especially in detail-

We were gathered in the living room, the TV was on, just playing whatever came on or whatever someone decided to switch it to.

Bad was the first to leave, "I'm going now, Skeppy wants to play minecraft then I'm going to sleep. Please don't burn my house down. I know where you all live, especially Dream."

"What about Karl?" Dream asked, pointing at me as I also lived in this house now.

Bad just looked at me for a few seconds before looking back at Dream, "but... it's Karl? Who could get mad at Karl?"

"So... Karl has a free pass on breaking stuff and burning your house down?" Wilbur smirked.
"Hey." Bad said sternly, "dont test me." He glared at them all before smiling again, "alright, good night~" he waved as he left.

I felt like I should probably leave too, it was around 8pm, and so it had been 13 hours since I put my binder on and I was already starting to feel the effects. Random surges of pain, not too bad, would make my ribs ache.
"I'm going to go too" I announced, getting up and jolting as a random millisecond of pain.

"Awww Karl nooooooo" Wilbur complained, dramatically reaching towards me, "stay longer pleeaasseee dont leave me with these idiots!" Wilbur begged, earning a couple of 'hey's and playful eyerolls from the others.

"Sorry, but I can't. Plus I feel like I've overstayed already" I confessed, chuckling nervously.

"You are always welcome Karl, you're like, part of the group, stayyyyyy with uuusssss~"

"Nah, you just want me for my 'free-arson-pass'." I joked.

"No I'm serious, I think you're cool" he protested rather childishly.
I could see George smiling at our interaction, almost proud that I was starting to get closer to his friends.
I looked up at Dream and Sapnap, both were looking at me, I couldn't see Dreams facial expressions but he gave me a thumbs up.
Sapnap even smiled slightly.

"Thanks but, I really can't stay much longer" I repeated.
"Fine, at least hang out with us tomorrow." Wilbur whined.
"Yeah, man! It'll be fun."
"I mean, sure as long as everyone's okay with that..." I muttered loud enough for everyone to hear it.

"Karl, I don't think you understand what it means to get kidnapped by a member of this group." Dream joked, "George kidnapped you, you're a part of the group now whether you like it or not" he laughed slightly.

"Oh" is all I could say, I didn't think they actually wanted to hang out with me, I thought George was the reason they let me hang out with them.
I had no idea I could just be a part of the group in just a few days.

"Good night, Karl~" Dream sang.
"Noooo don't leave me with George and Sapnap!" Wilbur protested once again.
"You've got Dream too" I corrected.
"No, he's leaving too." He pouted.
Dream just laughed at this.

I waved again before leaving up the stairs to my room where I finally took my binder off and pulled on an oversized sweater I managed to hide from my father so he didn't throw it away.

I thought about the day to come and smiled, 'maybe this group won't be so bad. Maybe my day will be fun.'

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