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"Oh, yeah" he sat up a bit more, it was rare for Sapnap to ask for advice, both boys preferred to try and figure stuff out by themselves most of the time, it gave them an odd sense of validation, "sure, bro, what's up?"

The other teen sighed, also discarding his lunch on the table, "well, it's about Karl." He started, already peeking Dreams interest but also worrying him, "I want to help him feel less self conscious about his body but I'm not sure it's something that I can actually even help with."

Dream hummed, slowly nodding his head in understanding, "ah, yes. I know what you mean. Unfortunately, with Karl, a lot of his insecurities probably stem from gender dysphoria. That's not really something you can help a lot with." He stated, mostly just muttering to himself, "I guess give him time. Did something happen?"

*insert Sapnap vaguely explaining what happened*

"Yeah... I stand by my previous theory." He told him, "but it's probably something you should talk to him about, thought from what you've told me, it sounds like he doesn't really like talking about it." He muttered. "Time. Give it time." He repeated, "he'll talk to you about it when he's ready."

"Yeah. That makes sense..." Sapnap agreed as both boys packed up their remaining rubbish simultaneously and starting to walk over to the schools bins, "man, what would I do without you?" He smiled with a small sigh of relief.

Dream chuckled a bit, "I'm pretty sure you already subconsciously conclude similar answers to me due to their simplicity, but you just require the validation of my exact same opinion to actually feel confident enough to go through with it." He responded.

"Dude, actually shut up." He joked, knowing how Dream likes to make normal sentences sound complicated with lesser used vocabulary.
Both laughed at this reaction.

Posting their rubbish through the slot and walking toward their next subject's building, Sapnap beamed a smile once more, swinging his arm around his friend playfully, in a rather awkward position.
"But seriously though," he started, "your completely right. And thank you,"

He swung his forearm up, his upper arm still laying balanced on Dreams shoulders, he had subconsciously raised it for a kind of friendly action, one of those spur of the moment gentle yet forceful but never painful slaps and or taps on any part of the targets body?

It was just one of those. Completely harmless and always had been a sign of appreciation and friendship between them.

Just a simple tap on the back of his head with his palm.

Turns out Dream hadn't clipped his mask clip on properly that morning.

Stealth. (FtM Karl)Where stories live. Discover now