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(Re-published chapter, accidentally published before it was finished 🧍)

Dream didn't ask about Karl's reason for living there, much like how Karl didn't ask about Dreams reason.
It was personal.
They didn't mind not knowing,

Whilst eating dinner Bad suddenly remembered something, "oh! Karl that reminds me!" He stated, "you need to go call Goerge, I promised him I'd do it when I found you."
"Oh, yeah my bad, I'll do that now, please excuse me" he got up from the table, he didn't need to sound so posh, it honestly gave him a bit of dysphoria sounds so 'lady-like' as he liked to call basic manners.

He pulled out his phone once he was in his room and called George's discord since he didn't have his number.

"KARL!" George answered.

"Hi George"


"Yeah, sorry we kind of lost track of time..."

"So what's going on then? You okay?"

"Um... no not really." He managed to say, "but I'm better now. I'm living with Bad for a while."

"You're at Bads house?"

"Yeah. It's only temporary though."

"I see, doesn't Dream live there?"

"Oh? Trying to switch the topic to Dream now are we?" He teased.

"Oh shut up, it's just a normal, friendly, polite question." He muttered, "how is it there anyway? I've only been a few times."

"It's really nice, though I've only been here an hour"

"That's good to hear, I'll talk to you later, Karl, tell Bad I'm mad at him."

Karl laughed slightly, "will do."

They hung up.
Karl returned to the kitchen, "how is he?" Bad asked.
"He said he's mad at you."
"What???" Bad gasped, "fine. I'll just make him cookies. He'll forgive me, just you wait and see."
Karl chucked at this.
"Bad, you can't just make everything better with home made cookies." Dream protested.

Bad looked him dead in the eyes, "watch me."

-time skip to next morning-

Karl woke up with a start to loud banging at his door, for a split second he was terrified, not knowing where he was, and thinking that it was his father at the door, was prepared to immediately get ready and go to school, but it quickly sunk in that it wasn't one of those days, not anymore, he was at Bads house. The boys words jogging his memory.
"Wake up, Karl!" He yelled from behind the door.

"Alright I'm up I'm up!"

He got out of bed and got changed into some clothes Dream and Bad had leant him since his dad stole all his masculine clothes before in an attempt to make him female.
He shivered at the thought of him wearing a dress again, 'never again' he promised himself.

There was a mirror in the guest room, he looked swag. 'Very poggers' he commented.
He grabbed his phone and left his room, he checked the time as he walked down the stairs, "um... you guys know it's like... 29 minutes too early, right?"

"Yes, get used to this routine, Karl." Bad answered, "we like to eat breakfast in this house."

"None for me thanks, I'll just feel sick, my body isn't used to eating this early" Karl politely replied.

"Okay, that's fine. Feel free to join us at the table still though"

Karl turned his head to face the sound of rushed footsteps plodding down the stairs, he saw Dream running down the stairs whilst putting a coat on, he gave a quick 'bye' before leaving out the door.

"What was all that about?" Karl questioned.
"Oh, I almost forgot it's Friday, Dream always hangs out with George on Fridays before school since they don't see much of eachother during the day" he explained.
"Oh, that makes sense." Karl hummed, "I forgot to ask, how did you know George? I've never actually seen you guys talk before now and you don't have any subjects together?"
"Oh, Dream actually invited me to a group chat on discord a while back, me and George ended up playing minecraft together" he informed, "we just get along, I guess."

-time skip to after school because I can and I will-

I walked back to Bads house, it was a little further away from school than my old house, just in a different direction, and twice as far. So the walk, unfortunately, was around 40 minutes.
Some points were nice though, I had music plugged in and let my thoughts run wild, completely out of sync with the world but this time it seemed, in a good way.

I knew my way, I used google maps, fortunately I knew how to turn the verbal directions off, otherwise that would've been rather annoying.

I knew that Bad and Dream had a free period during my last lesson of the day, so they would already be home.
Though I had no idea we had company.

I opened the door and was met by George, I hadn't seen him earlier since he accidentally skipped class somehow whilst with Dream.
"Karl!" He cheered, bringing me in for a hug, "sorry again that I missed Photography, Dream was distracting me" he whined.

"Don't worry about it. What are you doing here anyway?"

"Oh, Dream invited me over, his band's here too"

"Really?" I asked, I don't know why I was so surprised, but a part of me wanted to go see them. More specifically their drummer. I'm not sure why my first thought was of him after being informed of their presence.

"Yeah, hey, you should come hang out with us, I'm sure they won't mind" he smiled, "Wilbur will be happy to see you, he's quite fond of you already"

"Oh, no I don't want to intrude, I'm sure you'd all prefer your privacy."
"Nonsense!" George protested, "come, I'm sure the others will be happy to see you."

I knew George would somehow get me to anyway, he wouldn't drop it till I agreed. So I reluctantly followed as he lead me up the stairs to Dreams room.
He tried to open the door but it was locked.
He knocked on the door.

"What's the password?" I heard Wilburs voice.

"I don't know?"
"Invalid password."
I laughed at this.
George tried again, "Dream smells"
I heard a "hey!" from the inside room.
Wilbur chuckled, "incorrect. But I shall allow it."
He unlocked the door but only a crack, enough to see out. "How do I know you're not a spy?" He joked.
George forced the door open, "oh shut up Wilbur." He dragged me inside, the room was definitely way bigger than the guest room I was currently staying in.

"I brought Karl" he announced.

"As long as that's okay." I quietly added.

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